Sunday, October 6

The most toxic habit you have as a friend, according to your zodiac sign

Friends accept you with your strengths and weaknesses, but it does not mean that your most unpleasant attitudes do not affect them. Know what is your most toxic trait in friendship according to your sign

El hábito más tóxico que tienes como amigo, según tu signo del Zodiaco
Each sign has a toxic trait in friendship.

Photo: Liza Summer / Pexels

Miguel Angel Castillo

Although friends are in good times and bad, it does not mean that there are unpleasant attitudes in you that they ignore. Friendship is likely to be so sincere that they accept you with your strengths and weaknesses, however, knowing what toxic you have as a friend could considerably improve your relationship .

An option to work on these negative characteristics can be offered by astrology. The zodiac signs give us a hint of the traits that are quite unpleasant in us as friends . Find out what they are, according to a list by astrologer Lisa Stardust in Hello Giggles.


If you are an Aries you will know that your outbursts of anger are unbearable. If you learn to control your emotions and breathe deeply before taking out your impulsive temper your friends will thank you.

himself. Taurus

Loyalty is something that characterizes you and you don’t really have very traits toxic in you, according to the astrologer. To improve your friendship ties, you just have to dedicate more time to yourself, your friends know and will understand.


They have you listed as a fun, incredible friend and loyal, the problem is your instability. You tend to disappear from one moment to the next, which unbalances your friendships.


You are usually the first to go to the alarm signals of your friends. You offer them a shoulder to cry on, your full support and the best advice. Your friends want to give you the same in return, the problem is that you don’t open up to them.


Leo’s most toxic trait is his involuntary need to be in the limelight. In a conversation, you only talk about yourself and don’t let others express themselves. Working on equality will considerably improve your friendship ties.


When they finish with your patience you are usually too irritable. While you’re not in for joking all the time, you should set your own limits when you react, your friends aren’t there to hurt you.


The problem with Libra is that he gets too involved in the problems of his friends. They appreciate your full support, but sometimes they need your space to analyze and reflect. You must maintain a balance in your relationships.


You get upset if your friends don’t have the same vision as you. You need to learn that everyone has their own goals and objectives, understanding this will help your relationship flourish.


If you are Sagittarius, take advantage of your optimism when your friends are sad, but only with those you really care about. Be aware of their feelings and try to understand them.


Your main strength is also your weakness. Your friends appreciate your toughness and outspokenness because they know you want the best for them, but it’s not all about criticism. From time to time, offer them compliments and affection.


The problem with Aquarius is that he is usually emotionally distant. While you are always there to support your friends, you tend to be cold. The suggestion is try to be more empathetic.


The most toxic trait of Pisces is that, as it lives in a world of dreamy, it disappears when your friends need it most, which can be annoying for them.

It may interest you: National Best Friend Day 2021: the signs of the Zodiac that are perfectly compatible in friendship

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