Sunday, October 6

House Democrats unveiled their own infrastructure plan

Los demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes dieron a conocer su propio plan de infraestructura

Photo: Aurelia Ventura / Impremedia / Real America News

By: The Democratic plan addresses parts of the Biden’s American Employment Plan.

House Democrats released their own infrastructure bill on Friday that would address parts of President Joe’s American Employment Plan Biden, as negotiations between the president and Senate Republicans slow down, reported CBS News .

The proposal announced by the chairman of the Infrastructure and Transportation Committee of the House of Representatives, Peter DeFazio, would cost $ 547 $ 1 billion over five years, covering parts of the proposed infrastructure plan of Biden’s $ 1.7 billion dollars that are covered by the committee. The legislation will be reviewed by the committee next week.

The bill introduced by the House Democrats , called I NVEST in America Act, would dedicate $ 343 billion dollars to roads, bridges and security; $ 109 billion for public transportation systems; and $ 95 billion for rail transport of passengers and cargo.

DeFazio called the legislation a “once in a generation opportunity to take our transportation planning from the decade of 1200 and move towards our future of clean energy. ”

Today, @ TransportDems Chairs DeFazio, Norton, and Payne introduced the INVEST in America Act to transform America’s infrastructure, which will create millions of good-paying jobs rebuilding and re-imagining our roads, bridges, transit, and rail. 89 iagR

– Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (@TransportDems) June 4, 2021

The legislation proposed by the House Democrats does not include any means to pay it, as it is not part of the committee’s jurisdiction.

The committees that draft the funding measures for Congress, House Ways and Means, and Senate Finance, have not yet proposed ways to fund infrastructure bills. .

The financing of a infrastructure plan remains the biggest stumbling block in the negotiations.

The Senate Committee on Public Works and Environment unanimously approved a bill for transport you of similar surface last week, also without financing. That bill would set a new benchmark funding level at $ 303. $ 5 billion for Department of Transportation programs for highways, roads and bridges.

Meanwhile, Biden spoke again with Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito on Friday about the infrastructure plan, although the two did not reach an agreement. According to a statement from Capito’s office, the senator and the president “discussed the Republican infrastructure framework and the proposed of the Biden Administration ” and agreed to speak again on Monday.

The two previously met at the White House on Wednesday, after a group of Republican senators led by Capito proposed a counteroffer of almost $ 1 billion dollars to the American Jobs Plan by Biden, with $ 257 billion in new spending.

Biden, in his meeting with Capito, emphasized parts of his superstructure plan that would be financed through corporate taxes, such as establishing a minimum tax of 15% of the most profitable companies in the country. Republicans have previously opposed Biden’s proposal to increase the corporate tax rate of the % to the 28%; have no interest in undoing the tax cut legislation of 2017 signed by former President Trump, and It is not clear whether they will agree to set a new minimum rate for certain large corporations.

“Unless they think that corporations shouldn’t pay any taxes, and we’ll let others talk to them, then there should be a way to find a way to a deal, ”said White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

Psaki said that the negotiations could be extended beyond Monday, in contradiction to what was foreseen by the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg , who said earlier this week that the flexible deadline for talks was June 7.

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