Monday, October 7

Denmark, the “liberal paradise” in which immigrants and refugees are no longer welcome as before

For decades Denmark was known as one of the countries in the world that most supported the cause of refugees. Not for nothing was it the first nation to sign in 1951 the UN Convention that establishes the mechanisms to protect them.

In the last decade, however, the old policies on issues such as immigration or asylum have changed much, which contradicts the image of a “liberal paradise” that many have of this country.

This Thursday, the Danish Parliament approved new legislation to relocate applicants for asylum in other countries outside the European Union , where they will have to wait until their cases are decided but that, in addition, would allow the possibility that they end up being accepted not by Denmark but by that other country.

The standard was approved with a large majority of 70 votes in favor and only 24 against.

In statements cited by Reuters, the po Danish government spokesman Rasmus Stoklund made clear the purpose of the new legislation.

“If you apply for asylum in Denmark, you know that you will be sent to a country outside of Europe and therefore We hope that people will stop seeking asylum in Denmark “, he said.

The Danish authorities are actively looking for countries that want to host their refugee claimants and, last April, signed signed an agreement with Rwanda to cooperate in immigration and asylum issues , which generated speculation about the possibility of establishing a processing center of this type in this African country.

The initiative to leave in At the hands of third parties, the handling of asylum requests was severely criticized by the UN, the European Commission and various NGOs.

“Lack of solidarity”

Already last April, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) had warned that the proposal leg Danish island could start a “race to the bottom” if other countries followed suit.

Los sirios que huyeron a Europa dejaron tras de sí ciudades destruidas por el conflicto.
Syrians who fled to Europe left behind cities destroyed by the conflict.

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) also harshly questioned the new law and called for its rejection.

“The idea of ​​outsourcing the processing of asylum applications is both irresponsible and lacking in solidarity ,” the DRC said in a statement.

The European Commission, for its part, questioned the compatibility of the new law with Denmark’s international commitments.

“The external processing of asylum requests raises questions fundamental issues regarding both access to asylum procedures and effective protection. This is not possible under current EU rules, ”said Adalbert Jahnz, a spokesman for the European Commission.

But this legislation is only the most recent of many steps he has taken Denmark in recent times to tighten its asylum and immigration policies.

Closing the doors

Perhaps one of the best measures shows the turn that Denmark has taken on these issues, is the fact that in mid-May it became the first European country to revoke the status of asylees to more than 200 Refugees from Syria.

Manifestación en apoyo a los refugiados sirios.
In many cities in Denmark, there have been demonstrations in favor of refugees.

Your argument? That some parts of Syria are already safe enough for them to return.

The decision sparked great criticism from refugee support organizations and sowed fear among the community of 35, 10 Syrians residing in the Nordic country.

Going back is a risk for anyone who has left Syria . All my life is here. How can I go back now? ”Said Sara, a young Syrian from 19 years whose family was withdrawn from asylum and were granted 60 days to leave the country.

Mohammed Almalees, a Syrian refugee from 30 years of age who will be able to stay in Denmark – unlike his parents and sister who must return-, agrees to warn about the dangers of returning asylees to Syria.

Image of a march in Denmark in 2018 in favor of the prohibition of the use of nicab.

“The regime has the names of those who have demonstrated against (Bashar) Assad both in Syria and Denmark. They monitor social media, ”he said.

Sara Kayyali, a researcher on Syria at Human Rights Watch, has said that the Danish authorities’ assessment of the situation in that country is wrong.

For refugees it is not safe to return . The risk of being arbitrarily detained, persecuted and tortured by the Syrian security services remains today, ”he pointed out.

But how and why has Danish policy on this matter changed? ?

From 21, 000 steel

In the year 2015, Denmark saw the largest number of asylum seekers in recent times: 21, 000 people.

Inmigrantes duermen en una estación de tren en Alemaniaen su ruta para ir a pedir asilo en Dinamarca.015
2015 was the year with the highest influx of refugees in Denmark and, also, when its migration policies began to tighten.

Their asylum policies were hardened go then and, again, in 2019, with a change of focus by stopping seeking the integration of newcomers to focus on giving them temporary protection with a view to their repatriation.

In these years, different Danish governments have developed aggressive campaigns against immigrants, including the approval of a regulation that allowed the confiscation of garments and valuables brought by asylum seekers .

According to the Danish press, this legislation had a more symbolic rather than a practical effect, as it appears that the authorities have only applied it to a very limited extent.

A few months ago, the Danish government proposed legislation to reduce the number of “non-western” residents living in so-called “ghettos” or unprotected neighborhoods, limiting the number to 30 % on 10 years.

The Minister of the Interior, Kaare Dybvad Bek, assured that the fact that there are too many non-Western foreigners in a neighborhood “increases the risk of parallel religious and cultural societies emerging.”

And we must remember that in 2016 the The Danish government published advertisements in some foreign newspapers in which they made it clear that refugees were not welcome in that country.

The truth is that the tightening of Danish migration policies, paradoxically, has not been promoted only on the right, since, in fact, the ruling Social Democratic Party has also done the same to regain voters who had been listed to the right.

Martin Lemberg-Pedersen, associate professor at the Center for Advanced Studies on Migration, points out that at present the Danish system does not believe that integration can work , so its policies s They focus on a “logic of deterrence”, on sending a message so that potential immigrants do not see that country as a possible destination.

Inger Stojberg (file pic 2016)
Inger Stojberg is known for the controversial immigration policies she promoted when was a minister.

Last year, the number of asylum applications fell 1, 500, of which only 675 were approved, the lowest in three decades.

“That is really good news,” said the Minister of Immigration and Integration, Mattias Tesfaye.

“The coronavirus, of course, played a role, but I think – first and foremost – it was because of our strict foreign policy. Many of those who come here do not need any protection, “he added.

Currently, the goal of refugees that the government expects to receive is zero , claiming that the money saved can be used to reinforce the welfare state.

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