Sunday, October 6

“USA. he's lucky I didn't do what Fauci wanted ”: Trump favors the revelation of emails about the start of the pandemic

“EE.UU. tiene suerte de que no hice lo que Fauci quería”: Trump coloca a su favor revelación de emails sobre inicio de la pandemia
Fauci at the White House, March 2020.


For: Drafting

Without wasting time, former President Donald Trump reacted yesterday to the controversial revelation of emails written at the beginning of the pandemic by Dr. Anthony Fauci, placing the situation in his favor, defending the questioned management of his government on the coronavirus.

Fauci, considered the most important infectious disease doctor in the country, was left in the center of a storm this week after media such as CNN, BuzzFeed News and The Washington Post obtained Thousands of emails Fauci sent and received last year as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Yesterday Trump demanded that the scientist answer “questions “, Incl Hearing what he knew about “gain of function” research in a laboratory in Wuhan, e insisted that China pay $ 10 trillions of dollars to the US for the possible leakage of coronavirus.

“There are many questions that Dr. Fauci must answer. US funding of Wuhan was foolishly initiated by the Obama Administration in 2014, but ended low the Trump Administration. When I found out, I said ‘no way’. What did Dr. Fauci know about the ‘gain of function’ investigation and when did he learn about it? ”Trump questioned in an emailed statement yesterday, while remains banned on social media, accused of inciting violence and misinformation.

In a second email moments later, he added: “Now everyone, even the so-called ‘enemy’, is starting to say that President Trump was right about the China virus coming from the Wuhan Laboratory. The correspondence between Dr. Fauci and China speaks too loudly for anyone to ignore it. China should pay ten billion dollars to the United States and the world for the death and destruction they have caused! ”

He also stated that is glad he didn’t always follow Fauci’s advice, who was a member of the working group on coronavirus in his administration and continues to be so now in the government of Joe Biden.

“After seeing the emails, our country is lucky that I did not do what Dr. Fauci wanted me to do. For example, I closed our borders with China very early even though he did not want them closed. Democrats and fake media even called me a ‘xenophobe’. In the end, we saw that this was a decision that saved lives, and the same happened with the closure of our borders to Europe, specifically to certain highly infected countries, ”Trump continued.

“Later I was given credit, even ‘Tony’ (Fauci), for saving hundreds of thousands of lives. Dr. Fauci also did not emphasize the speed of vaccine production because He thought that its creation would take 3, 4 or maybe even 5 years. I did it in less than 9 months with Operation Warp Speed ​​”, praised the former president.

” In retrospect, the vaccine is saving to the world. So I made the biggest bet ever. We ordered vaccines worth billions of dollars before we knew they worked. If that hadn’t been done, our wonderful vaccines would not have been administered until October this year. Nobody would have had the opportunity that has now saved the world and millions of lives! Trump continued his defense.

Also criticized the doctor for their back-and-forth recommendations on mask use. “Also, Dr. Fauci was totally against masks when even I thought they would at least be useful. Then he completely changed his mind and became a radical masker, “said Trump, quoted by New York Post.

Fauci: Emails highlight confusion about Trump administration’s mixed messages early in pandemic

– The Hill (@thehill) June 1, 2021

Fauci emails: Here’s what we learned 04

– New York Post (@nypost) June 4, 2021

Chinese virologist says Fauci’s emails ‘verify’ her Wuhan lab leak claims 49 lktQK

– New York Post (@nypost) June 4, 2020