Friday, July 5

UNAM creates a platform to report electoral irregularities and crimes

The objective is for Mexican men and women to make their voices heard at the polls without any kind of influence or manipulation

La UNAM crea una plataforma para denunciar irregularidades y delitos electorales
The elections are on Sunday, June 6.

Photo: Courtesy / Courtesy

For: Drafting of the Opinion

If they have tried to pressure you to vote for a particular party, they have asked for your voter’s credential or they have tried to buy your suffrage, it is necessary to know that these are some of the types of fraud punishable by jail and that are happening days before one of the most important elections in Mexico.

That is why the University Program of Studies on Democracy, Justice and Society (PUEDJS), of the UNAM, created the platform Report Here to report various crimes that prevent or seek to manipulate your voice at the polls. The process is very simple and does not take more than five minutes.

You just have to enter the portal link, enter your name, some data of time, mode and place where the incident occurred, a short description of what happened and try to collect all the evidence you have on hand; Once the process is finished, press the send button.

This complaint will not only allow Mexicans to exercise their right to vote without any type of interference, but will also guarantee cleaner elections that lead to a better democracy, according to a UNAM statement.

Other actions classified as electoral crimes are: requesting your vote in exchange for money, a pantry , construction material, water tanks, bank card; or condition the vote in exchange for a government program, provision or public service, etc.

In addition, the portal also asks you if you know of an illegal activity such as the organization and voter hauling, irregular financing of candidates or political parties. All these activities are considered electoral crimes.

On June 6, the midterm elections are classified as the largest in history because they will be at stake 500 federal councils (300 relative majority and 200), 26 Governments, thousand 63 state councils and a thousand 923 municipal presidencies.

University authorities ask the general population to report, and if possible also to disseminate the information so that more Mexican men and women know what to do in case of facing a fraud situation.

This initiative of the UNAM PUEDJS is supported by the Electoral Observation Support Fund (FAOE) 2021, from the Advisory Center and Electoral Promotion of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIHR-CAPEL).

This is the informative video 1622897898293000

Complaint platform

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