Wednesday, September 18

Drinking cow's milk can lower cholesterol levels and coronary heart disease

A new study finds that milk consumption is associated with lower serum cholesterol levels and it would not be necessary to limit milk intake with respect to the risk of cardiovascular disease

Beber leche de vaca puede reducir los niveles de colesterol y enfermedad coronaria
Currently the AHA recommends two to three servings of nonfat or low-fat dairy products for adults. grease.

Photo: Madison Inouye / Pexels

Alba Hernández

Although milk is a source of protein and calcium, experts in nutrition and heart health have recommended limiting its consumption to one or two servings a day and because of its saturated fat content, they suggest choosing low options in fat. However, drinking milk may not be as bad for heart health.

A study recently published in the International Journal of Obesity found that higher intake of milk was associated with higher body fat, but lower serum cholesterol levels and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease .

According to researchers, “these data suggest that it is not necessary to limit milk intake with respect to risk of disease cardiovascular , and the suggested benefits require confirmation in further studies. ”

This could be explained by the calcium in milk , which helps increase lipase activity. Lipases are the enzymes that break down fats within our body and can help reduce cardiovascular disease by lower cholesterol levels ”, Elina Hypponen, director of the Australian Center for Health Precision at the University of South Australia and one of the researchers participating in the study.

The study in question was based on a meta-analysis of three large existing population studies with until 417, 236 participants.

Our Studies suggest that milk may be part of a heart-healthy diet, but large-scale intervention studies would be needed before changes in the consumption of milk theos for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, ”said Hypponen.

The study included researchers from the University of Reading, the University of South Australia in Adelaide, the Institute Medical and Health Research Institute of South Australia, University College London in the United Kingdom and the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

Care with consumption of saturated fats such as those contained in milk are due to the fact that tend to raise blood cholesterol level , one of the main risk factors for heart disease.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends adults choose from two to three servings of skim or low-fat dairy products. Indicates that children should have two or more servings, while adolescents and older adults should have four.

Among the milk options suggested by the AHA are: fat-free milk, ½ – 1% low-fat or light milk; skim or low-fat powdered milk; as well as evaporated skim milk.

Regarding to nutritional value, the AHA states that milk with less fat is not less nutritious. “Milk fat free, ½% fat and 1% fat, all provide slightly more nutrients than whole milk and 2% fat milk. But they are much lower in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and calories. ”

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