Friday, September 20

Back to a healthy california

Vaccines are at hand, find out how to access them

Volver a una california saludable
The people of 12 years of age or older, can be vaccinated. / File.

Photo: PATRICK T. FALLON / AFP / Getty Images

For: By Anthony Rendón, who is President of the California Assembly

My daughter Vienna is not yet 2 years old. You still cannot get vaccinated against Covid – 19, but she’s one of the big reasons I’m vaccinated.

My wife is also immunized. We did it for Vienna.

If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, I want to encourage you to do so. Here’s why:

I have a job where I’m out with the community and it exposes me to a lot of people.

If you have a job like mine, you should understand that getting the Covid vaccine does more than just protect you.

It also helps protect everyone in your family, including those who are too young to be vaccinated or those who cannot be vaccinated due to their health conditions.

If we can vaccinate enough people, it will prevent For Covid to spread in our communities.

Unfortunately, the pandemic has killed many in the Latino community. Latinos have been affected in large numbers by this disease, yet we are the ethnic group with the fewest vaccinated people.

The state is working to get more vaccines in our communities and local community organizations are helping sponsor clinics near where we live.

Here are some important things to know before getting the Covid vaccine – 19:

Many pharmacies are offering the vaccine, some even walk-ins. Other organizations are sponsoring self-service clinics where you don’t even have to get out of your car.

If you don’t know where to get vaccinated, you can call 1 (800) 232 – 0233 for help in Spanish and to find a location near you .

It’s so easy!

I know some people have doubted because others are spreading myths to scare Latinos and others about the Covid vaccine.

That is putting our families and communities at risk. Fortunately we can act to protect ourselves.

We know it works because the Covid case and death rate – 19 is going down in California.

The drop in this figure moves us towards our goal of 15 June, when we hope that California can carefully return to a way of life without so much fear of Covid – 19. My family is looking forward to this day.

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