Tuesday, October 22

Study ensures that eliminating unemployment benefits will not help fill vacancies

The FED stated that the benefits, despite representing a greater amount, are not enough to replace the benefits that every citizen can have when being employed, so that in the long term it would not be profitable

Estudio asegura que eliminar ayudas por desempleo no ayudará a cubrir vacantes
for experts employment it can not be removed by unemployment support as these have an expiration date .

Photo: Lukas / Pexels

Luis Diaz

A month after the Department of Labor announced that the goal of job creation was not met, the measures chosen by the Republicans to cut federal financial aid for unemployment equivalent to $ 300 dollars apparently will not solve the deficit of vacancies in the country .

According to an investigation by the San Francisco Federal Reserve, the position to suppress the help to combat the shortage of workers and stimulate hiring is not a solution , since that additional unemployment benefits do not prevent Americans from accepting new jobs.

The FED stated that the benefits, despite representing a greater amount, are not enough to replace the benefits that every citizen can have when employed, so that in the long term n or would it be profitable .

Nicolas Petrosky- Nadeau, author of the study and vice president of macroeconomic research at the Federal Reserve of San Francisco, informed Yahoo Money that unemployment benefits are temporary, while jobs are long-lasting.

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