Wednesday, October 23

New record of remittances from the United States to Mexico: an increase of almost 20%

Between the months of January and April of 2021, Mexicans living in the United States sent an average of $ 340 dollars, or more, per family as financial support

Nuevo récord de remesas desde Estados Unidos a México: un aumento de casi 20%
2021: Mexican migrants set a new record for remittances.

Photo: Getty Images

Alexa Liendo

The first 4 months of this year 2021 remittances sent to Mexico by migrants from that country set a new record by adding 14, 675 million dollars , that is, an increase in 19. 4% more compared to the same period in 2020. According to Banxico report.

Each person sent an average of $ 360 dollars per month as a remittance, that is, 6.2% more than what they were sending last year , when the average was $ 340 dollars.

Banxico reports that the majority of remittances were made by digital transfers and so far there is talk of a total of 40 . 63 millions of dollars.

Only in the month of April there was a report of more than 4, 000 millions of dollars in money received in Mexico as a result of remittances. This upward trend that Mexican migrants have had in terms of money transfers

During the first 3 months of the year in the ability to open accounts in the Banco del Bienestar in the embassies and consulates of Mexico of the United States, meant a 145% more than the total of accounts opened throughout the year 2020.

Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico has thanked the 30 millions of Mexicans who make life in the United States their effort for the economic support they send to their families. AMLO has described them as “heroes” for keeping almost 10 million families in the Aztec country.

It is well known that remittances represent the second entry of foreign currency to Mexico, automotive exports are in second place, and now tourism has moved to third place.

By On the other hand, experts in financial matters conclude that this capacity of economic aid that migrants are having towards their nationals is directly related to the economic aid granted by the United States government; in addition to the more competitive exchange rate that has been achieved thanks to the banking system for Mexican migrants.

For Latin America, then remittances will continue to increase this year and the next , the perspecti Regarding the sending of money, it is very positive, there is talk of an increase of almost 5% for this year and next year.

In this sense, it should be noted that ) noted that for the remainder of 2021 and 2022 the flow of remittances should increase.

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