Wednesday, October 23

Does the neuromuscular bandage or kinesiotaping work?

Some athletes use bands of different colors in some part of their body. This material, which is nothing more than strips of cloth with a hypoallergenic glue to adhere to the skin, is called neuromuscular bandage or “kinesiotaping”.

The use of this type of Bandaging is very controversial at present in the medical profession, studies continue to be done about it.

What is the neuromuscular bandage?

The neuromuscular bandage was born in Japan in the decade of the 70 ‘s, later its use was globalized , its material is cotton fabric, it is strips generally 5 cm (1.9 inches) or 7.5 cm (2.9 inches) wide.

There are different uses for Its application, the most used are to decontract and relieve muscle fatigue of a muscle, for sore muscles or reduce inflammation in a special area, stimulate a muscle for its work in physical-sporting activity, other uses that are given to this The tapes is for lymphatic drainage for swellings or correction of scars.

Investigations of the effectiveness of the neuromuscular bandage

Different studies have been carried out on the effectiveness of the neuromuscular bandage, in the 2015 the author Zhang published in the magazine Medicine Science in Sport & Exercise a study where he bought strength in the wrist muscles.

One group received a neuromuscular bandage and another did not, in the results obtained there was no difference in strength, however, in the group that used the neuromuscular bandage, there was less post-exercise pain and a better recovery to exertion.

In another study conducted by Kanik in the 2015 published in the journal Medicine Science in Sport & Exercise where they focused on post-exercise muscle recovery, performed two groups, one where they placed Neuromuscular bandage on the quadriceps muscles in the thigh and another where not.

Those evaluated in this study were all sedentary and the test they were given was 100 consecutive jumps.

The results obtained were considered a difference in the bandage group in terms of muscle pain immediately after the test and the 72 hours compared to the group without bandage.

Uses of the neuromuscular bandage

The use Neuromuscular bandage should be personalized for each case. There are studies where no significant differences are found between the study groups, so there will be people who do not have a reaction to the bandage and others who do.

In all cases the bandage must be applied by health professionals trained in its use and application to find the best expected result.

According to the studies cited, the neuromuscular bandage offers another alternative for the relief of post-exercise pain.

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