Sunday, October 6

AMLO regrets that the US “has not taken seriously” responding to the financing it makes to opposition groups in Mexico

Andrés Manuel López Obrador insists on requesting a response from the United States on the alleged financing that the US Embassy carries out to opposition groups in Mexico. He described as “current” the one that distributes money.

AMLO lamenta que EE.UU. “no haya tomado en serio” el responder sobre el financiamiento que realiza a grupos opositores en México
AMLO continues to await a response from the US on financing opposition groups in Mexico .

Photo: Reform Agency

César Reyes

From the National Palace, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he regretted that the government of Unidos “has not taken seriously” giving an answer about the financing that is being made to groups politicians opposed to his government in Mexico.

“Very unfortunate that the U.S. government has not taken our request seriously , so we will continue to respectfully insist that They are no longer financing political groups in Mexico and it would be best if they did not intervene to finance any political group in any country in the world, because they have to be respectful of the independence of the countries, ”he said.

“The great statesmen who have governed United States gone, they have asserted it, I am reminded of what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did in that sense of being respectful of the internal politics of other nations and other statesmen have done it, so we are going to wait for the result, “he said. .

is the Embassy of The United States which distributes the money according to the evidence that is available It is an up-to-date matter, not only in substance but also in form, this should not be done, it has nothing to do with good foreign policy or cooperation between peoples, with friendly relations, with good neighborliness, with the sovereignty of the countries as well as the States. United as from Mexico, “he said.

In his morning conference, the Mexican president insisted that the groups that receive money from the United States Embassy are groups of pressure involved in the country’s politics.

“There has been no response, we are waiting for it. erando, you mean the financing that organizations of the supposed civil society receive, which are actually political organizations, they are not parties, but they are pressure groups or organizations that participate in politics, as is currently being done, as is public and notorious ”, He mentioned.

Yes act with moral scruples, those who receive these resources, would now be expressing that they are going to change and that They will no longer accept this financing, but no, they have remained silent and allege that they are not doing politics when it is in the public domain, it is not necessary to present evidence, they are completely dedicated to campaigning against us ”, expressed.

He specified that the financing he is making The United States is an intrusion into the public life of Mexico.

That is improper, the fact that the United States Government gave money to these organizations, more at election time, it should never If it is done, they do not have to give money to these organizations, it is an interference in the public life of our country and Mexico is an independent, free, sovereign country, they do not have to do it ”, he stated.

Keep reading: AMLO calls to vote without fear in the elections of June 6 in Mexico and enforce democracy without violence

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