Friday, September 20

Zodiac signs that are two-sided with people (besides Gemini)

Gemini is the sign that has the reputation of being two-faced by nature, but it is not the only one. Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces are also the most chameleonic and we tell you why

Los signos del Zodiaco que son dos caras con las personas (además de Géminis)
Zodiac signs that are two-sided have a justifiable reason.

Photo: Benjamin Wedemeyer / Unsplash

Miguel Angel Castillo

Although Gemini is the zodiac sign that has the reputation of being two faces with people , is not the only one. The archetype of this sign is the twins and therefore label him as someone who changes his behavior depending on the situation, but in astrology there are those who can also be the same or more chameleonic: Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Those who belong to any of these 4 zodiac signs have the ability to display different personalities and does not necessarily mean that they are liars or false.

Your astrological traits They allow them to easily adapt to situations and are empathetic, for these reasons, you may notice that they do not behave the same when they are in front of your in-laws, their friends or alone.

However, they are also too cunning and do not save themselves from having some negative attitudes since they can fall into manipulation or lies. Next, we explain why Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces are the most double-sided signs of the zodiac , based on an article by Pinkvilla.


Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Gemini is the most adaptable and flexible, that is why it not only has two, but three, four or more faces, it depends on the situation you are in. Many may say that they are false, liars and manipulative, but the reality is that they are friendly and nice people. Of course, they are too communicative and it is easy for them to fall into gossip.


The sign of the scorpion appears in this list because it can mutate its personality when it has a goal Clear and precise. Although he tends to be manipulative, he is also a seducer who knows how to persuade people to do his job, but just as he asks, he gives away. However, sometimes they take on the role of harmless lambs to see how far people can go.


Sagittarius is the traveling sign, its nature of freedom and knowing new places makes it extremely adaptable. He reads each situation perfectly and puts on the most appropriate mask to look good. However, sometimes they can go to the extreme and be false in order to avoid conflicts or please others.


The absence of evil makes Pisces is a sign that does not show the same face every day. He does not have the heart to criticize a person head-on, so he will do it through a friend or a close person and even though his intentions are good, others may think that he does it to harm them.

It may interest you: Know which zodiac signs are most compatible

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