Friday, September 13

Your help is requested to find the whereabouts of the attacker of a 6-year-old boy

The Orange County Board of Supervisors approved this Tuesday $ 100, 000 to increase to $ 150, 000 the reward leading to the capture of the culprit (s) who killed a 6-year-old on the highway 55 last week.

Aiden Leos passed away while traveling with his mother to their kindergarten in Yorba Linda the last 21 of May. It is suspected that it was anger at the wheel – known as road rage in English – that caused a driver to act against the child’s mother, identified as Joanna Cloonan.

Another driver would have taken him to shoot at the back of the car, where the woman and the child were traveling, hitting him from behind.

Orange County Supervisor Don Wagner announced the Tuesday that doubled the original amount of $ 50, 000 due that the tragedy happened in the third district, which he represents.

“But it really doesn’t matter where it happened, this is a little boy,” he said. “Maybe this is something we can do to help at least bring this person to justice and bring peace to this family.”

While Supervisor Katrina Foley, representative of the second district, added another $ 50, 000 as part of the reward.

Rudy Espinoza, an activist against irresponsible use of firearms, said that when he learned of the tragic incident, he could not hold back his tears, thinking that this could happen to anyone. He has a newborn baby.

“I cannot imagine that my daughter is sitting in the car seat and that due to some bad traffic movement that she commits or that someone does by mistake, my daughter has to pay, “said Espinoza, a member of the group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in California.

He indicated that this type of driving anger is” unacceptable and painful. “

“Aiden was his name and he was a boy who deserved to live a full life… And because we don’t have common sense gun laws, we continue to pay the price.”

Espinoza said that in California there is a public health crisis since on average 3, 000 people die each year from firearms. fire. To that figure, there are 7, 000 who are injured.

The activist indicated that the organization He’s not against the second amendment but they do advocate gun safety.

“What that means is a universal background check, we need to close those loopholes so that people who They should not have weapons, do not obtain them, ”said Espinoza.

He indicated that for example, if a family member or friend knows of someone who owns a weapon and that it could be a risk or you could hurt yourself or other people, you must find a way to have those weapons temporarily removed until the person is deemed safe again.

Seeking to end gun violence

On the same Friday that the Aiden incident occurred, the Appropriations Committee of the California Senate passed SB 264, which proposes to end the sale of State-owned arms and ammunition tax.

The proposal is scheduled to be heard in the Senate before June 4, the legislative deadline.

Senator Dave Min, representative of Irvine and author of the measure, said he was heartbroken to see another episode of violence that claimed the life of the 6-year-old.

“The year In the past, we saw a record number of weapons purchased during the pandemic. Unfortunately, as our economy and our society reopen, we will see more incidents of gun violence in our community, “he said in a statement.

” My heart goes out to the child’s family and I will honor his memory with action. We must address the epidemic of armed violence in our country head-on. ”

Currently the law regulates the sale and transfer of firearms, which includes, among other things, requiring that transactions of firearms are made through an authorized dealer.

Generally, the current law considers a misdemeanor the violation of the requirements related to the sale, lease or transfer of a firearm.

If the bill is approved, it will prohibit a state official or employee or operator, lessee or licensee of any state property, from hiring, authorizing or allowing the sale of any firearm, precursor part of the firearm or ammunition in state property, as specified.

Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, who is part of the Committee of the Health Assembly, Public Safety California, said in a statement that as the father of a 6-year-old boy, his heart was broken zon when he found out what happened to little Aiden.

“The murder of Aiden reminds us how fragile life is and how important it is to protect our loved ones from armed violence”, He expressed.

He indicated that it is fair to seek justice for the child’s family by delivering the murderer or murderers to justice and passing sensible legislation on gun safety.

The Assemblyman said that he has fought and continues to fight for gun safety throughout California.

“In this session, for example, I supported bills that would make it more difficult for people to buy and build ghost weapons for shows; bills that facilitate the monitoring of firearms and legislation to improve their investigation, ”said Santiago.

However, he assured that laws such as the one recently announced in Texas, that allows the open transport of weapons without background checks or permits, they are reason for California to fight for more security.

“We must keep the Aiden Leos family in our prayers while we work to reduce armed violence, “said the assemblyman.

To report any information about the shooting, you can call anonymously by calling 1 (800) 835 – 5247.