Saturday, September 28

They summon a grand jury in the criminal investigation of Donald Trump to weigh possible crimes

The prosecutor in charge of the investigation Donald Trump criminal convened a grand jury to hear evidence and weigh possible charges against Trump and his family business

Convocan a un gran jurado en la investigación criminal de Donald Trump para sopesar posibles delitos
Trump faces a criminal investigation in New York.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images


Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. has convened a grand jury that is expected to decide if he criminally prosecutes the former president Donald Trump , to other executives of the Trump Organization or the business itself, should prosecutors bring charges of crimes to the panel, according to two people familiar with the development of this process. ” . , reported The Washington Post .

The panel was recently convened and will meet three days a week for six months.

The panel is likely to examine several issues, not only the case of Donald Trump , for the duration of your mandate as p resident, that would be a longer period than a traditional New York State grand jury assignment, these people who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were discussing an ongoing investigation told The Washington Post .

Generally, special grand juries like this are convened to participate in long-term matters, rather than routinely hearing evidence of charged crimes.

The measure indicates that the investigation of the District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. on former President Donald Trump and the Trump Organization has reached an advanced stage after more than two years.

Also suggests that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime, if not committed by Donald Trump , then by someone potentially close to him or by your company.

Vance’s investigation is extensive, according to people familiar with the investigation and the public disclosures made during the related litigation.

Your investigators are examining the business practices of Trump before he was president , including if the value of specific properties in the real estate portfolio of the Trump Organization was manipulated in a way that defrauded banks and insurance companies, and if tax benefits were obtained illegally through unscrupulous asset valuation. .

The district attorney is also reviewing the compensation provided to the top executives of the Trump Organization .

Prosecutors handling cases like this can choose to press charges for the grand jury to consider, or not. A prosecutor’s grand jury strategy is often a closely guarded secret and may be subject to change.

Trump faces two investigations of his statewide business practices in New York.

Both seem to have started with the same man: Michael Cohen , Trump’s longtime attorney time, who turned on the former president after pleading guilty to bribing on Trump’s behalf and lying to Congress.