Saturday, September 28

Jaden Smith to open restaurant to feed homeless in Los Angeles

Jaden Smith extends his projects support to people in need and now he will open his restaurant I Love You in Los Angeles to provide free food to people living on the street

Jaden Smith abrirá un restaurante para alimentar a personas sin hogar en Los Ángeles
I Love You is the restaurant with which Jaden Smith plans to offer water along with options of fresh meals to homeless people.

Photo: Getty Images

Alba Hernández

Rapper and actor Jaden Smith announced that he will open a restaurant called I Love You in Los Angeles, place where he plans to feed the homeless for free.

Smith’s philanthropic idea of ​​feeding the needy is not new. The restaurant is an extension of an initiative that launched two years ago with the I Love You vegan food truck, distributing food to the homeless in the Skid Row area of ​​Los Angeles.

The opening of the I Love You truck was the way that Jaden Smith decided to celebrate his birthday number 21.

Now the I Love You project has been extended to a restaurant. It will be a place that, although it has the mission of feeding people in need, can also eat anyone who wants it.

Smith has a condition for those who go to the restaurant: “ If you are not a homeless person, not only do you have to pay, but you have to pay more than the food is worth to be able to pay for the person behind you ”, Informs Variety.

Our mission is to spread love to communities experiencing food insecurity and / or housing by offering water along with fresh, high-quality food options and delicious and sustainable “, can be read on the website of the movement.

” I see this as one, among many, steps towards creating a change in our world “, states Jaden Smith. So far the exact date on which the new restaurant announced by Jaden Smith will open has not been released, nor where it will be located.

I Love You is not the Smith’s only project to help people in need. The Karate Kid star is also a co-founder of 501 This organization has the mission providing clean water to underserved communities in the United States.

880 partnered with First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church to develop The Water Box. These water boxes distribute gallons of safe and free water.

Four Water Boxes are located in Flint, Michigan ; one in Newark, NJ; and another in Skid Row, Los Angeles. They hope to continue raising funds to expand the program.

One of the ways to support this water delivery project is by buying water jugs (transporters) online. “These jugs are delivered to Water Box locations and can be returned and refilled during Water Box operating hours,” states the organization.

“At any time, we can create a new version of the world ”, Smith said in an interview with 2020 to Complex where it was said blessed of the family (son of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith) and the life she has, so she says she just wants to give back. “Because I love the world so much … and I care about the people of the world,” he added.

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