Saturday, September 28

How to maintain a balanced diet

An excessive or deficient diet, which is also not balanced or balanced, has consequences for your health.

If you eat “little” but choose foods high in saturated fat, sugar, you may cover the energy recommendations, or even exceed them, but you may not cover the protein, vitamin and mineral recommendations. So your diet will not be balanced.

A recommended eating plan. It must contain the necessary guidelines so that your diet is complete, varied, sufficient, adequate, safe and balanced.

In MyDiet you can obtain your balanced and personalized eating plan. Also with a wide variety of recipes with information on nutritional content, which will be included in your plan.

Is your current diet balanced?

It is important that your diet covers your energy needs and requirements for proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals. Whether it is a reduction diet or an eating plan to maintain your weight.

Since even having a balanced diet you could eat more than you need to maintain your weight.

To maintain a balanced diet designed for you, MiDieta provides menus already prepared according to your energy recommendations and according to your physical activity.

In MiDieta desk version you can obtain a evaluation of your current eating habits and a report that allows you to visualize what changes you should make to improve your diet, as well as your exercise habits.

To know if your diet is correct, ask yourself the following:

– How is my current diet?

Do you have the right proportion of each of the nutrients? With a diet low in carbohydrates it is possible to lose weight at the cost of losing water and not body fat and does not correspond to a balanced diet.

Muscle mass can be depleted. Following a low-carbohydrate diet such as the Keto diet can have consequences for kidney health. Especially the kidneys are at risk if it is continued for a long time.

– Is my diet varied or is it very monotonous?

It is important to have a varied diet because no food provides all the nutrients that the body needs. It is necessary to vary the foods at each meal daily in order to meet the nutrient requirements.

Is my diet complete?

Do you eat foods from all the groups? See if they are limited, for example carbohydrates in the diet. If you cannot eat pasta, rice, bread, tortillas or fruit, your diet is not complete.

Complete refers to including foods from the 5 groups of the Dietary Guidelines for EE in your daily diet. .UU, among them:

– Grains

Whole grain cereals, oats, rice and pasta, whole wheat bread, tortillas, among others.

– Proteins

Among them fish, tuna, salmon, sardines, chicken, turkey, meat, eggs.

Nuts, seeds and soy.

– Vegetables

Green leaves such as spinach, chard, cabbage or cabbage. Broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrot, tomato, pumpkin, pepper, cucumber.

Legumes: beans, lentils, lima beans, chickpeas.

-Fruits, for example apples, blackberries, tangerine, orange, watermelon, pineapple, melon, guava.

– Dairy

Low-fat cheese, low-fat yogurt with no added sugar, low-fat milk.

– Is it enough?

If you are very hungry, perhaps you are not meeting your energy needs or the meal times are not properly stipulated.

– Is it adequate?

Is it designed and calculated especially for you or is it just a fad diet? It is important that it is adapted to meet your energy requirements.

That it is appropriate to your physical activity, your constitution, your age, your medical history and medical history and nutritional status.

-Is it harmless?

Is it hygienically prepared? If not, you may have a foodborne illness.

  • Food safety at home in times of Covid- 19

MyDiet you offers a balanced personalized meal plan. With the proportion of nutrients you need and the adequate energy recommendations that allow you to maintain your weight if it is adequate or even lose weight in a healthy way.

Download now the new MyDiet app and start lose weight now!

Version available in iOS and in Android.