Sunday, September 29

George Floyd's family met Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the White House

The meeting was held one year of Floyd’s death at the hands of an officer and at a time when a police reform that will prohibit racial discrimination by law enforcement agencies is being discussed

La familia de George Floyd se reunió con Joe Biden y Kamala Harris en la Casa Blanca
George Floyd’s family reunited with Biden and Harris in Washington DC

Photo : JIM WATSON / AFP / Getty Images

Maria Ortiz

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris met Tuesday with George Floyd’s family in the White House, exactly one year after Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer, sparking nationwide protests against racism and police brutality.

Floyd’s brother, Philonise Floyd, told reporters that the family had a “great” meeting with the president and vice president and said, “He’s a genuine guy. They always speak from the heart. We are grateful for what is happening and we just want the George Floyd Police Act passed, ”Philonese Floyd told reporters at the White House. “If you can make federal laws to protect a bird, which is the bald eagle, you can make federal laws to protect people of color.”

Biden told reporters that his reunion with the family Floyd was a mainly personal visit and that he had spent more than an hour with the family, and specifically referred to the time he spent with Gianna Floyd . “The Family Reunion Floyd was unbelievably good. We spend a lot of time together. I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Gianna and her family, ”Biden said.

The reunion occurs when the “George Floyd Police Justice Act” , legislation that would establish a national registry of police misconduct, prohibit racial and religious discrimination by law enforcement, and review qualified immunity for police officers, remains stuck in the Senate.

President Biden The initial goal had been set for the legislation to be passed on Tuesday , but the White House pushed back that deadline. to allow negotiations to continue in Congress.

Rodney Floyd, another of the brothers of Floyd, said to reporters that the family is grateful that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have shown “great concern” for their family on the anniversary of their brother’s death. He said that the president and vice president asked them how they were and how they were taking care of themselves.

The death of George Floyd triggered the largest wave of protests and race riots in the US since late the sixties of the last century, after the assassination of Martin Luther King, and the motto of these protests is a single plea: that police brutality against racial minorities cease.

One year after that fateful 25 May 2020, the “George Floyd Police Justice Act” , written by members of the Black Caucus, made up of Democrats, is still stuck in the halls of Congress .

This legislation aims to end, among other aspects os, with the use of strangulation techniques, as well as with “legal immunity” for law enforcement officers and the militarization of police departments.

The main point of disagreement on the “George Floyd Act” between progressives and conservatives is the revision of what is known as “legal immunity”, which currently shields government officials such as police officers from possible lawsuits.

With information from EFE and CNN