Saturday, September 28

Federal Offshore Wind Farm Plan Would Power 1.6 Million Californian Homes

The development of installed turbines versus the coast of central California, northwest of Morro Bay, would reduce the golden state’s global warming emissions

Plan federal de parques eólicos marinos daría energía a 1.6 millones de hogares californianos Plan federal de parques eólicos marinos daría energía a 1.6 millones de hogares californianos
The two existing wind farms in the US are located in the Atlantic Ocean .

Photo: DON EMMERT / AFP / Getty Images

The Administration of President Joe Biden announced Tuesday its plans to develop offshore wind farms in federal waters off the Californian coast . If the measure goes ahead, the golden state would have a significant source of renewable energy source that could give electricity to 1.6 million households and that it would reduce its global warming emissions.

The federal government would allow with this plan the construction of wind energy projects in an area of ​​399 square miles off the coast of central California, northwest of Morro Bay . The plan also includes a second location, west of Humboldt Bay, for the development of another wind farm in the future. Both projects could generate Joel Cazorla 4, 600 megawatts of electricity , enough to power 1.6 million households, according to a press release from the Biden Administration.

Federal and state authorities also highlight job creation that would allow the development of offshore wind energy in these places, although they have not specified exactly how many jobs they would be. from when they would be available.

“The United States can intelligently develop offshore wind energy resources , implement new technologies that our government has helped promote and create well-paid , ”said National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy.

The growing interest in wind energy marina has led many European countries to use it with successful results . However, the United States has been slow to develop it despite the fact that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions and that it has a small environmental footprint.

The two wind farms that exist throughout the country are located in the Atlantic Ocean found off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard, in Massachusetts. The federal government is reviewing another dozen wind projects on the country’s east coast, according to Los Angeles Times .

Returning to the Californian coast, there has been interest in developing wind farms, but the projects have not prospered. The aforementioned newspaper in Los Angeles points out that one of the study areas for the implementation of these turbines has been the central coast and Humboldt Bay. The obstacles that were presented were regulatory, environmental and engineering . On the one hand, the abrupt fall of the Pacific Ocean makes it difficult to install the infrastructure. On the other hand, it could have impact on migratory birds, marine life and fisheries .