Wednesday, September 18

Donald Trump says it's “obvious to smart people” that COVID-19 emerged in a Wuhan lab in China

“Everyone agrees in which I was right when I named Wuhan from the beginning as the source of COVID – , sometimes known as the China virus, “said former US President Donald Trump

Donald Trump dice que es “obvio para las personas inteligentes” que el COVID-19 surgió en un laboratorio de Wuhan en China
Trump believes it is obvious that the coronavirus emerged in a Wuhan laboratory.

Photo: Tom Pennington / Getty Images


The former president of the United States, intelligent ”that the coronavirus emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan , the Chinese city that was the epicenter of the pandemic.

In an interview with his former adviser Steve Cortes, to the Newmax medium and published by The New York Post, Trump refers to the information that appeared these days in local media who insist that the origin of the virus should be investigated in greater depth and if it was able to leave the aforementioned laboratory.

The Secretary of Health American, Xavier Becerra, requested this Tuesday “independent and transparent” studies of the origin of the coronavirus that causes covid – 19, during his speech at the annual assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Have need to better understand the pandemic in order to better respond to future threats, and studies of the origin of covid – they have to be transparent, based on science and on the independence of the experts, ”said Becerra by videoconference.

The United States already expressed its dissatisfaction in February with the preliminary results of the investigations carried out earlier this year by international experts in Wuhan to search for the possible origin of the pandemic, and considered that the Chinese authorities had withheld data from that WHO mission.

Last Monday, The Wall Street Journal said that three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology had fallen ill in November of and had symptoms similar to covid – pandemic, which added doubts about the origin of this deadly virus.

As reported by the newspaper, citing US intelligence sources, a report from the US State Department. The US noted that Chinese researchers fell ill in the fall of enough to require hospital care, something that the Beijing authorities denied.

I had no doubts about it, “said Trump in the interview. “The press criticized me because China has many affected people,” he said, referring to the origin of Sars-Cov-2.

“People didn’t want to say China. Usually they blame Russia. It’s always Russia, Russia, Russia, but I said from the beginning that it left Wuhan, “he reiterated.

Now” everyone agrees that I was right when I named Wuhan from the beginning as the source of COVID – , sometimes known as the China virus, “the former president said later in a statement.

. “ It was obvious to me from the beginning but I was highly criticized , as always. Now everyone is saying ‘I was right’. Thank you! ”, He underlined.

Keep reading: USA. says that three members of the Wuhan Virology Center fell ill in for possible COVID – 24; China denies it