Friday, September 20

Enrique Guzmán reveals what could be the reason why Frida Sofía is angry with him: “I told him no”

The singer of 78 years he believes that the strong accusations of his granddaughter could be a revenge , since on some occasion he called him to threaten to sink his career and that of Alejandra Guzmán

Enrique Guzmán revela cuál podría ser la razón por la que Frida Sofía está enojada con él: “Le dije que no”
Enrique Guzmán.

Photo: Reform Agency

Rocío García

Enrique Guzmán is willing to clear his name of the accusations of Frida Sofía and as part of the interviews that he has granted to various media, reveals what could be the reason why his granddaughter is angry with him.

The singer of 78 years went past 13 to the Attorney General of the Republic to ratify the complaint against Frida Sofía , since as he assured before the ‘Ventaneando’ program, he will do whatever is necessary to show that he never abused her during his childhood, contrary to what the model exposed during and an interview with Gustavo Adolfo Infante .

And, according to his statements in the same show program, it could all be about a revenge of his granddaughter , since on some occasion he called him to threaten to sink his career and that of Alejandra Guzmán .

“I was sitting at this table where we had breakfast at 9 in the morning, there was my daughter and my other son, and my wife was in the kitchen, and I received a call from her (Frida Sofía), but not to say: ‘ I don’t have money, help me ‘, no, he told me:’ I’m going to sink Alejandra Guzmán and you too ‘, and he hung up “, shared.

Likewise, the interpreter of “Payasito” believes that one of the The reasons that provoked the fury of his granddaughter was that he did not allow her to sing in one of the records that he was about to release a few years ago.

called ‘Se habla en español’, and I had already invited Paul Anka to record the album, and she told me she wanted to work on the duet. I am not a specialist in singers, but I know when people sing ugly, it shows immediately, and the girl does not play those you notice very easily, so I definitely told him no “, he recounted.

Assuring, this could be why you hate it: “ That was I think the trigger that fired the mind against me, because until then, the grandfather, who helped the I was the one who supported her, the one who protected her when she had to argue with her mother ”.

And he recalled that when the fights between mother and daughter began, he always defended his granddaughter, since she grew up without the singer’s care due to her long working hours and the lack of a father figure.

Alejandra is not a wonderful person either , then, when these differences began to exist between them, I sided with Frida. Alejandra is a woman who works like crazy, is always working and neglects, was without rein , and the fault would be his mom or dad, but his dad doesn’t exist either , her father married someone else and never took care of her, so she grew up alone “, he specified.

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