Saturday, September 21

The 21 States Eliminating Federal Unemployment Benefits

Some states have abolished unemployment benefits, however until September the federal government will send out a monthly aid check for $ 300 additional dollars to the stimulus check

Los 21 estados que eliminan los beneficios por desempleo federales
Federal unemployment benefits are in effect Until September 6.

Photo: JEFF KOWALSKY / AFP / Getty Images

Rubén Rivera

Some states are abolishing unemployment benefits offered by the federal government during the months of June or July. As more people get vaccinated and more states have reopened their economies some politicians and the US Chamber of Commerce have called for an end to federal unemployment benefits that provide additional income to people who are unemployed.

Will the government to deliver unemployment benefits?

The federal government has not stopped additional unemployment assistance that was implemented for the first time with the CARES Act passed last year .

However, some state governments have decided that they will stop participate in the program, which will eliminate benefits for some and reduce weekly payments for others . Some states have also re-enacted the minimum job search requirements that they waived last year.

The Department of Labor has indicated that federal unemployment benefits will continue until September 6 . The federal office has not released a press release or updated its website on COVID – 19 on unemployment insurance to suggest ending benefits early .

While the federal government has not made any changes since 18 May, several state governments have. On May 4 Montana was the first state to announce that it would stop participating in the unemployment benefits program. . The state ended participation in programs that allowed people to stay on unemployment benefits beyond the expiration date, increase weekly benefits, and provide benefits to the self-employed.

Some states have made the same decision as Montana by ending participation in the same programs before 12 June and others in the month of July.

At least there are 21 states that have abandoned benefits, among them are: Montana, Tennessee, Ohio, Iowa, Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, Georgia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Carolina South, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Texas, Alaska, Indiana, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Utah .

A review of the VERIFY rev site rated that at least 41 states have reset or have never stopped providing job search assistance so that people continue to receive unemployment benefits that most of states resigned early in the pandemic.

Related: Tax Refund: the IRS will refund money to more than 10 millions of Americans who overpaid for unemployment benefits from 1200

However, some states are requiring individuals to prove they are looking for work . At the end of last year, the states began to reinstate these requirements and some never waived them.

Federal unemployment benefits are in addition to the benefits offered by the states that each one of them have different policies and requirements.

If you are receiving unemployment benefits and are concerned about possible changes , it is best to check on the unemployment website of your state or call the office that you

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