Saturday, September 21

Paper check or bank deposit? How you will receive payment of the IRS child tax credit

The Internal Revenue Service will send monthly child tax credit payments through three different ways, including a credit card. prepaid debit

¿Cheque en papel o depósito bancario? Cómo recibirás el pago del crédito fiscal por hijos del IRS
39 millions of households are entitled to receive the child tax credit.

Photo: PATRICK T. FALLON / AFP / Getty Images

Rubén Rivera

If you meet the requirements, you can receive from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) the first payment of $ 250 or $ 300 child tax credit dollars effective 15 of July.

Near to 88% of families with children living in the United States will receive an automatic payment from the IRS . Unless you do not agree to receive payments on a monthly basis you can choose a single check that will be delivered until year of 2022.

Like the stimulus check child tax credit payments will be deposited monthly to families with children who meet the requirements by means of direct deposits in your bank account, through a paper check that will be sent by mail and by means of a debit card .

Who can get the child tax credit money on a debit card?

The IRS said that the debit cards will be one of three ways the IRS will send pa child tax credit gos on a monthly basis . The federal office has mentioned that the 80% of payments will be deposited directly through a bank account.

As with the stimulus check than with the tax refund, people who do not have bank account information on file with the IRS will receive a deposit through a paper check or through a debit card .

Related: Who is entitled to receive child tax credit payments?

The IRS mentioned that 54 million households are entitled to receive the child tax credit . Children under 17 years will be entitled to receive $ 3, 000 dollars each, while children under 6 will receive $ 3, 600 Dollars.

Child tax credit payments will be sent from 15 from July to December. After you file your 2022 you will receive the rest of the money to which you are entitled .

If you have an economic dependent of 18 years you will be eligible for a payment of $ 500 dollars and a dependent of between 19 Y 24 years you attend college you can also receive $ 500 Dollars.

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