Saturday, September 28

Lady Gaga is sincere and says she got pregnant as a result of a rape

The American singer has confessed to brutal abuse in a new documentary series produced by Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry, where mental health issues are addressed

Lady Gaga se sincera y dice haber quedado embarazada producto de una violación
Lady Gaga.

Photo: MARK RALSTON / AFP / Getty Images

Grys Valenzuela

Lady Gaga opens up and talks about how have been her beginnings in the world of music and that led her to suffer abuse by a producer who raped her, kidnapped her and got pregnant when she was 19 years.

The American singer has opened his soul for a new documentary series produced by the Prince Harry Y Oprah Winfrey The Me You Can’t See ”for the streaming platform AppleTV + .

Within the docuseries, stories about mental health are addressed and seeks to open a deeper dialogue about these issues in the media and that are not stigmatized.

In the Stefani Germanotta addresses how it is that after suffering abuse by a power figure for months, she became pregnant and the sequel that led her to suffer a ‘psychosis ‘that to date he has not been able to overcome completely.

“I had 19 years and I was working in the business, and a producer said to me, ‘Take off your clothes.’ And I said no. And I left, and they told me they were going to burn all my music. And they didn’t stop. They didn’t stop asking me, I was paralyzed and I don’t even remember … I felt pain “, explained the singer before the cameras from the show.

Although she has not agreed to name her attacker, she assures that she was abused and kidnapped for months and then was abandoned a few streets from her parents’ house when she was sick because she would not stop vomiting and to her surprise she was pregnant.

She has not specified details about what happened with her pregnancy, but she has talked about how these events affected their mental health, with a type ‘ post traumatic trauma ‘which led her to hurt herself.

Gaga acknowledges to Oprah that it has taken her many years Accepting that she had done nothing wrong to be raped, that her process of regaining her mental health has been very slow and painful, that she could easily relapse into another crisis and think about hurting herself.

The way I feel when I am in pain is how I felt after being raped. They did so many MRIs and scans in which they found nothing, but your body remembers “, he confessed to Winfrey.