Thursday, September 19

Fanny Lu revealed: “I realized that my husband was unfaithful to me with my best friend”

“I had a husband, friend, partner, manager and ally and one day I had nothing”

Fanny Lu reveló: “Me di cuenta que mi esposo me era infiel con mi mejor amiga”
Fanny Lu.

Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent

Mandy Fridmann

8 years after having divorced the father of her children, Fanny Lu revealed: “I realized that my husband was unfaithful to me with my best friend”

The confession, which until now had never been made , did it to Mara Patricia Castañeda for her interview show on YouTube, where she was invited to tell about aspects of your career and her life. After telling that it was her ex, who encouraged her to show the world that in addition to being an actress she was a singer , dropped the least expected bomb.

Since it happened, that I have a super healthy relationship with my ex, who is the father of my children and that I am going to love him all my life because as I say to him, loving is a decision, you decide. hate, resent or love and heal . .. I was doing ‘Little Giants’ and I vanished and never came back … I had a husband, friend, partner, manager and ally and one day I had nothing ”, said to the surprise of Mara Patricia Castañeda who begins to inquire about the subject.

I noticed that I I was unfaithful with my best friend She already forgave her, he also forgave her ”, Fanny Lu continued saying.

Of course, Mara Patricia, who wanted to continue delving into the subject, asked her how it was that She realized that two of her loves were cheating on her behind her back.

“Because I started to suspect, don’t ask me why, it was an instinct in my heart. She was my best friend at that time , she had not been my best friend of all life, she was the wife of one of his best friends , we were the four of us who walked everywhere ”

“It was very hard because it was a double loss, it was not only an act infidelity, but disloyalty, because friendship requires an act of loyalty , but time has passed mpo, the wounds have healed. ”

8 years after that nightmare, Fanny Lu, who is in her best moment as a woman , says that she no longer looks for guilty parties, that she feels that she was a very good wife and that he too: “ In fact, Fanny Lu would not exist if it were not for him, for his great support, I thank my children and it is a wonderful ex-husband and a wonderful dad ”, she explained.

Her husband married that friend with whom he detonated the infidelity and Fanny Lu is in love again and happy, having overcome what she defines as impotence, pain that changed her 100% degrees his life and made it known until the fear.