Saturday, September 28

Border Patrol warns that phone scammers are posing as their agents

Customs and Border Protection advises that you do not make phone calls to request bank information or to request money

La Patrulla Fronteriza alerta que estafadores telefónicos se hacen pasar por sus agentes

Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images


Residents across the country are receiving numerous calls from alleged border agents and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requesting bank information, alerted this Friday the federal agency.

The new phone scam consists of a prerecorded message that says: “A box of drugs and money was sent; it has his name (from the person receiving the call) and it has been intercepted. ”

The person receiving the call is then instructed to speak to an alleged CBP officer, that attempts to obtain the victim’s bank information.

“Never give your financial information over the phone to anyone who claims to be from Government demanding payment under threat of arrest ”, warns the agency.

This attempt of scam, advises CBP, it is more recurrent in the region of Chicago , where even residents who receive these calls see on the caller ID that this comes from the federal agency’s office in Chicago , “bank scam which gives it an air of legitimacy.”

Therefore, the agency alerts residents not to provide “any information” and remember that none of the agencies that depend on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “request money over the phone.”

” If such calls are received, people should write down the number and any other pertinent details about the call and hang up immediately and report the incident if possible, ”asks CBP, which refers potential victims to the website of the Federal Commission on Commerce (report

“Please keep your personal information safe and I encourage everyone to report these calls,” said Shane Campbell of CBP at the Chicago area . “Tell your family and friends that these scammers are looking for one thing: your money. CBP will never request money over the phone. ”

For its part, Vernon Foret, Florida Director of Field Operations said They are making an effort to notify us of these fraudulent calls. This is a clear example that if you see or hear something that does not seem entirely correct, you can say it and make a difference to prevent others from being victims of a crime ”, said Foret . “These criminal scammers are looking for your money and personal information. We want to remind our families, friends and residents to HANG up if they get a call telling them it’s from CBP and asking for money. ”

Stay alert, be vigilant and never give your personal or banking information to an unverified or unsolicited person who calls your phone , concludes the alert from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

With information from EFE