Sunday, September 29

Alejandra Guzmán denies having removed Frida Sofía from her will: “It's pure invention”

Through a statement shared by the interpreter’s representation agency, they asked the public to ignore the information generated recently around privacy since they are only nonsense

Alejandra Guzmán niega haber sacado a Frida Sofía de su testamento: “Es puro invento”
Alejandra Guzmán.

Photo: Mezcalent

Rocío García

Even if Pablo Moctezuma and Enrique Guzmán assured that Alejandra Guzmán would have removed his only daughter from his will, now it is the same singer who, through from his press office, came out to deny said information.

It was through a statement shared by All Parts Move Management, the agency representing the interpreter of “Yo te expected ”, they asked the public to ignore the recently generated information around the singer’s private life, since they are only “nonsense that people say.”

“Rockers. We would like to make it absolutely clear that almost everything you have read on the Internet about Alejandra in recent weeks has little or no truth . In fact, since his interview with Adela Micha , Alejandra has not made any comments or taken action on any kind about family matters. Everything that is being published since then is a pure invention and in most cases it has no remote relation to the truth “, reads the letter published on social networks.

And they limited themselves to revealing that the singer is recording her next album and working hard for his virtual concert on July 3 at the National Auditorium, as well as preparing an extensive tour.

After the public complaint he made Frida Sofía in which she accused her grandfather of abusing her during childhood, in di On many occasions the members of the Guzmán Pinal dynasty have assured that they prefer to fix their problems in private , but it has not been the case, since the statements before the media do not stop.

The first to publicly point out the decision that

Alejandra Guzmán would have taken on his fortune and the list of heirs who would be entitled to it , was the businessman Pablo Moctezuma , who during an interview with the program ‘Ventaneando’ revealed that his daughter no longer had the right to the singer’s assets .

However, in recent days Enrique Guzmán reiterated the information, detailing that, One of the reasons why “The Queen of Hearts” had decided to leave her daughter out of the inheritance was the constant fights that took place between mother and daughter, and that even, in one of these confrontations the model would have slammed her mother’s head against the sidewalk .