Saturday, September 28

40% of the jobs created in the United States in April are in California, whose economy is picking up

For the third month in a row they were created above 80, 000 new jobs in California; New York was second with 28, 000

El 40% de los empleos creados en Estados Unidos en abril están en California, cuya economía se levanta
La Condesa Restaurant in Santa Monica. Thousands of jobs have been recovered in California.

Photo: JC Olivera / Getty Images

Ricardo López Juárez

The state of California celebrated this Friday that last month were created 100, , which according to the governor’s office is equivalent to almost the 40% of all jobs created nationwide to return to being the America’s economic engine .

It was the third consecutive month that California had above 80, Jobs created and authorities say status has recovered 1, 302, 100 jobs, that is the 48% of all jobs lost in March and April 2020, when the pandemic stopped in dry to California’s economy.

The announcement came the same day California announced that the 15 in June the economic activity of the state will return to the same as before of the pandemic in terms of restrictions, since there will no longer be limits on business capacity nor will there be physical distancing .

Governor Gavin Newsom said on his Twitter account that the next state with the most jobs created in April was New York (the state said were created around 21, 000 ) and then Colorado was placed with 17, .

Most of the new jobs in California last month are in the hospitality sector (hotels, restaurants and entertainment) , which was totally impacted a year ago by the state order to be home.

The Employment Development Department (EDD for its indicated that the unemployment rate for April was 8.3% , still one of the highest in the country, but which is misleading because there are many people who have preferred to follow receiving unemployment assistance instead of returning to the workforce.

The EDD also reported that there was a total of 800, 498 person as requesting unemployment benefit in April . This figure is less than a month before above 100, 000, while the new unemployment claims were lower than the previous month by more than 17, 500.

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