Saturday, November 2

Police who committed suicide were under investigation for sexually abusing minors in the Houston area

Policía que se suicidó estaba siendo investigado por abusar sexualmente de menores en el área de Houston

Police officer Robert Johnson committed suicide.

Photo: Precinct 1 / Courtesy

TEXAS – An officer with the Harris County Precinct 1 Police Department, who committed suicide this week in the greater Houston area, was also being investigated for allegedly having sexually abused minors .

This Wednesday morning after a police officer Liberty County tried to stop police Robert Johnson at a traffic stop, he refused to stop causing a confrontation with several officers.

During the altercation Johnson threatened to remove himself his own life.

The Alvin Police reported that during the confrontation Johnson made several calls with his phone and confessed that he had sexually assaulted several minors.

Johnson, according to the Police, implicated other adults in sexual abuse .

After several hours of negotiations, Johnson committed suicide.

Police commented that the Allegations of sexual abuse are being investigated by various agencies, including the FBI.

“Robert Johnson did some terrible things and he will meet his creator and will have to answer for I’m here to warn anyone who takes advantage of minors that the police are coming for them, “said Sheriff Alan Rosen of Precinct 1.

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