Friday, September 20

Video of cougar walking freely through San Francisco generates alert from authorities

“If you come across the cougar, try to pretend that you are as big as possible, do not turn your back to him, protect the children and do not run “, warned a councilor


The authorities of San Francisco, California, alerted residents to the presence of a cougar on Wednesday that has been sighted on several occasions during the last hours walking freely through the streets of the city.

A video of the first place in which the feline was sighted moves through social networks.

I just talked with the homeowner in the Portola District that captured the footage of the mountain lion. She gave me the original video which is a bit clearer than the one I posted earlier.

– Andrea Nakano (@AndreaKPIX) May

, 2021

“If you come across the cougar, try to pretend that you are as big as possible , do not turn your back on him, protect the children and do not run ”, the councilor of the City Council Hillary published on her Twitter account Ronen.

The animal was sighted in the residential neighborhood of Bernal Heights, where the Security cameras in several homes have captured him prowling around gardens and alleys, especially at night.

For its part, the Department of Parks and Recreation and the San Francisco Animal Care and Control Agency published alert messages in the neighborhood and increased the presence of per sonal in the area.

Even so, they assure that it is most likely that the big cat has returned or is about to return to the mountainous area south of San Francisco.

The pumas, who normally avoid contact with humans as much as possible , live in the vicinity of this city, although historically it had been very unusual for them to enter its streets.

However In recent times the sightings of these big cats have been a little frequent due to the chronic dry conditions that California lives, which prompts them to go to residential areas in search of water and food.

According to the US National Park Service, if an encounter with a cougar occurs, you should remain calm and try to intimidate it by pretending to be the biggest thing possible (using jackets and other clothing, for example) and raise your voice.

In no case should you turn your back to the feline, crouch or run, as the puma would identify the human like prey and could attack him.