Monday, September 16

Starbucks joins companies that will be flexible with the use of face masks within their establishments

The famous chain of coffee shops Starbucks announced that the provision of the most flexible position regarding the use of face masks is based on in CDC criteria

Starbucks se une a las empresas que serán flexibles con el uso de mascarillas cubrebocas dentro de sus establecimientos
The cafeteria joins firms such as Walmart, Costco, Target, who will no longer ask for mandatory use of protection.

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Luis Diaz

As health conditions improve in the country, as well as with the advance of vaccination, more companies are being flexible with their employees and customers regarding the use of face masks.

Last week retail companies such as Walmart and Costco reported that they would be more flexible in their policies, after health authorities than fully vaccinated Americans already will not need to cover their face to move in closed and open places .

In this sense, the famous chain of coffee shops Starbucks announced that it will join the list of companies that are taking a more flexible position regarding the use of face masks.

Apart from the green light granted by the health and federal authorities, the firm made it clear, through a statement, that it will be attentive and will continue “meeting all the m public health statutes ” provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In the statement it is detailed that Starbucks will be putting this new provision into effect immediately, however, it must be taken into account that the establishments are governed by state regulations, therefore, For example, cafeterias operating in California would have to wait until June based on the protocols established by the state government .

Yesterday, plus Starbucks, Target and CVS too announced that they would be part of the flexibility of the measures for the use of face masks with immediate implementation, as well as the cafeteria states, companies will be able to apply these criteria based on in the state regulations where they operate .


All three companies reported that customers Before two weeks have passed since their last dose of vaccine, they no longer need to cover their faces while they are inside the establishments.

Just last week the health authorities announced the new provisions, which have caused all kinds of confusion for both establishment employees and customers.

Last weekend, actor Ricky Schroder claimed angrily at a Costco employee in California, after he refused to let him into the store without a face mask . Schroder stated that the CDC had already authorized not to use the protection .

The confusion over the measures has aroused enormous concern among business sectors, especially those who run the companies and union leaders, who publicly stated that the new recommendations are too open, as well as not very detailed.

Therefore, they did not hesitate to warn that The lack of communication and information between the different sectors is worrying and dangerous, since they are not willing to put their staff at risk, many of whom are considered frontline. When in doubt, union leaders and employers ask that the CDC approve protocols and meet with the labor sectors that will be impacted by this flexibilization decision.

You may also like: Companies show their concern about the new rules for the use of masks