Thursday, September 19

Immigration agents detain 162 migrants in four houses in Texas

In less than 24 hours Customs and Border Protection people, ( CBP ) found 162 migrants housed in four safe houses in the Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV) in Texas, the agency reported.

The findings, which occurred this Monday, began in Brownsville when agents from the CBP station in this sector along with police officers from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) received information about a residence that was allegedly used to house undocumented immigrants . .

In the house they found 27 undocumented migrants , explained CBP in a statement, highlighting that the men, women and children were “confined in a small a room and kept in poor living conditions. ”

Later that day, CBP agents in coordination with the Office of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and The Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Department discovered .

In the second group there were migrants from The Salvador, Honduras, Mexico and Guatemala .

On Monday afternoon CBP agents along with the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office went to an alleged human smuggling home in Edinburg, Texas, where they were discovered migrants, including three unaccompanied children .

Others 69 undocumented immigrants were found in a residence in Garceno, Texas.

In an effort to combat these safe houses, CBP in the RGV is sending the owners affected a notice that your property is being used for criminal activity that could lead to forfeiture proceedings under federal law if no action is taken .

In addition, CBP is exploring “all” options to curb the use of hiding places, the agency stressed in the statement.