Friday, September 20

Why doesn't the president of Mexico lose popularity?

Since before Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) was president of Mexico, for decades in his struggle to win elections, he had been ignored, reviled and reviled by the vast majority of the corporate media.

AMLO was almost never invited to speak to the press, but when he was given the opportunity it was only to attack him and do everything possible for the audience to see or hear that everything negative that the vast majority of people said about him daily. the announcers, journalists and opinionologists was “true.”

Fabrizio Mejía Madrid, writer and historian, commented on one occasion that the historian Enrique Krauze was the creator of the so-called “Russian plot” to prevent López Obrador from reaching the presidency in 2018, a false news that was launched by Univisión in Los Angeles, coincidentally by Krauze’s son, León, who wrote in the Washington Post “No kidding ap possible Russian interference ”, and then the news was picked up by Isabel Turrent, Enrique’s wife, who works at the newspaper Reforma . What a familiar and informative curiosity for the subsequent historical analysis of this stage of the life of modern Mexico.

Without having had a successful campaign, the professor and writer Ricardo Sevilla told the journalist Carmen Aristegui, a few months after López Obrador won the elections, who Krauze, father, had recruited him to participate in the dirty campaign against AMLO in 2017, in which they participated close to 70 people, and who was called “ Operation Berlin ”, since everything was forged in the offices of the magazine Letras Libres and in a house located at number 245 on Berlin Street, in the Coyoacán mayor’s office. According to testimonials, the goal was to make 20 daily videos and 10 memes or more, with the aim of making López Obrador see as an “intolerant” and , above all, as a “dictator”, all apparently financed by companies like Coppel and Cinepólis .

On the other hand, and since the beginning of the presidency, daily the corporate press, from which millionaire income was cut, has attacked the president in everything, since the press conferences are supposedly a “manipulation”, until they only attend journalists who ask him questions “as”; or, from his supposed “failed” fight to control the coronavirus and the vaccination campaign, to qualify his austerity campaign as a “hoax.”

These examples are nothing compared to the level of slander to which every day, from newspapers, television stations, radio programs and opinionologists or supposed intellectuals articulate an attack on the president. Even now with the accident of the Line 12 of the Metro in the City of Mexico, they have tried to link him by saying that López Obrador is a “ president without a heart” and “without speech”. Of course, these attacks are joined by columnists who claim that AMLO is “communist”, “socialist” and is leading the country “to bankruptcy”; while others have asked the government of the United States , time and again, to intervene in Mexico before the country ends “Like Venezuela.”

With all those attacks against, any other president would already be on the canvas; However, a few days ago, the company Morning Consult placed the Mexican president in the number one place worldwide, as the more supported by his people. This means that, despite hearing those lies, half-truths and insults against the president daily, the vast majority of Mexicans do not believe their opponents and, therefore, continue to support their president.

In the survey, López Obrador appears c on a 32%, above Narendra Modi (India), with a 31%, and far from Mario Draghi (Italy), with a 20%; President Biden ranked fourth with 18%, Angela Merkel (Germany ) with a 12% and Emmanuel Macron (France) obtained a – 23%.

However, we cannot think that everything is rosy and that corruption and violence have disappeared from Mexico, because it is not true. But what the people perceive daily at López Obrador’s morning conferences is an honest man with all the intentions of doing things well and working for the people of Mexico, always trying to get officials at all levels and businessmen to understand. that these are other times and that it is worth having profits, but not looting.

The president wants the Fourth Transformation (Q4) to come to stay. But as he says: the new has not yet finished being born or the old dying. That is why he will continue to fight so that little by little, and whoever becomes president in the future, does not steal or embezzle the Mexican people as others did until 2018.

And in that, the majority of the Mexican people seem to agree, at least that is shown by those international polls that now place the president as the most supported for his people worldwide.

Agustín Durán is Metro editor of the newspaper Real America News in the city of Los Angeles.