Wednesday, October 23

The meanings of dreaming that you are drowning

As in every dream, the context in the real world will play an important role in its interpretation. Know what their true meanings are

Los significados de soñar que te ahogas
Dreaming that you are drowning is one of the most terrifying.

Photo: Evelyn Chong / Pexels

Miguel Angel Castillo

One of the scariest dreams we could experiencing is where we feel like we are drowning. When this happens we usually wake up immediately startled. The logical explanation is a reflection of some obstruction of the airways and the subconscious sends an alert signal to wake up the body, however, it also has an interesting meaning.

As in every dream, the context in the real world will play an important role in its interpretation. When we dream that we are drowning it is because in reality we could be going through a problem and our mind in the dream world asks us, will you be able to swim and sink? According to the site specialized in astrology, this dream is a catalyst for change.

It suggests that we avoid panic, because if we allow fear to rule we could sink by making unintelligent decisions. With effort, we can make progress and swim like dolphins through water.

Now that if in your dream someone else is the one who is drowning, it is a sign of guilt . You may have given a bad example or advice to someone and that person ended up badly. It can also be a sign that you want to help a loved one who is struggling with their own demons.

If you dream that you drown someone it does not mean that you are a bad person. It represents frustration and anger towards that person and this dream is a way to express it.

When you dream that a ship is sinking and you start to drown it is a sign that you do not know the danger you find yourself in, due to some situation in your life, and the consequences could be disastrous.

Dreaming of slow drowning is related to repressed emotions, such as anger problems, feelings of guilt or depression.

Other meanings of dream that you drown

If you dream that you drown in the sea represents your fear of not being able to react to threats or dangers without third-party help, as listed on the Dream Meanings site.

Dreaming about hogas in a pool shows

that you are far from reality and you “sink” into your own thoughts.

When you dream that you drown in a well can be a sign of ups and downs that you don’t know if you can solve. Now that if you fall into the void at the bottom of a well it means that you are used to people helping you solve your problems.

Finally, if you dream that you drowning in the bathtub means concern about your current financial situation.

It may interest you: Is dreaming that you fall a good or bad omen? Know its meaning