Friday, September 20

Pope Francis calls for an end to “unacceptable” violence between Israelis and Palestinians

“Many people have been injured and many innocent people have died, including there are kids. This is terrible and unacceptable, ”Pope Francis condemned about the armed conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

Papa Francisco hace un llamado para que termine la “inaceptable” violencia entre israelíes y palestinos

For Francisco he prays and asks for dialogue to end the violence between Israelis and Palestinians.

Photo: TIZIANA FABI / AFP / Getty Images


Pope Francis called for an end to the “terrible and unacceptable” violence that has been shaking the Gaza Strip and several Israeli cities for days, and which has caused hundreds of deaths and injuries “innocent, including children. ”

The pope sent this message after the Angelus was recited and called for the Palestinians and Israelis to resume the path of dialogue , also with the help of the international community, so that they build “peace, justice” and can live together as brothers.

I follow with great concern what is happening in the Holy Land .

The violent armed conflicts in the Gaza Strip and Israel these days they run the risk of degenerating into a spiral of death and destruction. Many people have been injured and many innocent people have died, among them there are also children. This is terrible and unacceptable, his death is a demonstration that you do not want to build a future, but you want to destroy “, he condemned.

Jorge Bergoglio said that” hatred and the growing violence that is affecting several cities in Israel is a serious wound to fraternity and peaceful coexistence among citizens that it will be difficult to heal if dialogue is not opened immediately “and asked:” and revenge, where will they lead? Are we really thinking of creating peace by destroying the other? “

” In the name of God, who has created all beings equal human rights, duties and dignity and has called them to live as brothers among themselves, I call for calm and those who have responsibility to stop the noise of weapons and start the path of peace, also with the help of international unity ”, he said.

🇵🇸🇮🇱 Rises to 188 the death toll as a result of the Israeli bombings against the Gaza Strip.

– Deciphering War (@descifraguerra) May 16, 2021

“We pray incessantly that Israelis and Palestinians may find the path of dialogue and forgiveness to be patient builders of peace and justice, opening step by step to a common hope, to a coexistence between brothers. We pray for the dead, in particular for children, we pray for peace ”, he concluded.

This morning a new wave of Israeli shelling on Gaza increased to at least 174 the death toll in the Palestinian strip since the beginning of the current war escalation, which reaches its seventh day this Sunday, reported the Ministry of Health of the coastal enclave.

Of the total deaths, 47 are minor and 29 women, while the number of wounded in Gaza rose to 1, 200.

With information from Efe.

Keep reading: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalates and Biden tries to mediate with Netanyahu and Abbas