Tuesday, September 17

Florida man confronts an alligator to save his dog

A Florida man did not think twice when he saw that his pet was in danger of being attacked by an alligator, so he had the courage to face the reptile and stand up to him so that his dog was not in danger.

Mike McCoy was walking Jake, his dog, near a pond when the animal approached an area of ​​bushes. Suddenly, a crocodile emerged from the water and attacked the dog in seconds. The man recalled that as soon as he saw the crocodile, between seven and nine feet long , come out of the pond, he pushed it back into the water, as stated in an interview collected by NBC News.

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Lucky dog! Jake was pulled into a Pasco County pond by a 7-9 foot alligator yesterday. Mike McCoy jumped in to save him, using his thumb to jab the gator in the eye, and lifting him out of the water. The gator released Jake. Both owner and dog suffered bites but are doing ok. pic.twitter.com/NC2COCB473

– Erik Waxler (@erikwaxler) May 12, 2021

Seeing that the dog was helpless in the water and was being threatened with death by the alligator , Mike immediately jumped into the pond to face the predator and save his pet.

At that moment, according to his story, he remembered some tips that I had previously read about alligators and tried to put that knowledge into practice. McCoy said he gave a small blow to the reptile’s eye and tried to pull it out of the water so it couldn’t go anywhere until the dog was released. But he was also attacked by the alligator.

Mike McCoy wrestled with the reptile to free his young dog from a death roll. https://t.co/ycMq2awo1d

– HuffPost (@HuffPost) May 14, 2021

“If I hadn’t remembered what I read about alligators, I wouldn’t have been able to respond so quickly to help Jake. It was only because I knew what I was doing that I felt confident to fight the alligator ”, explained the Florida resident.

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Luckily, near the place there was a teacher who was observing everything that was happening and was able to alert a nurse so that she could bandage the wounds. They also alerted the police, but the man said that everything had been a scare and that it felt good to drive back home with his dog.

After all, McCoy is satisfied that his crocodile knowledge worked and the rescue of the canine was a success.

Meanwhile, officials are working at the site to try to get the alligator out of the pond.