Monday, September 30

They ask Canelo for a car to search for the disappeared in Mexico

whatever, but something where we can move to do our searches, “said Nora Lira, leader of the collective Rastreadoras de Ciudad Obregón

Le piden un auto a Canelo para buscar a desaparecidos en México
Canelo has received several requests for support after his last fight with Saunders.

Photo: EFE

Joan Camargo

The leader of the group Rastreadoras de Ciudad Obregón , Nora Lira, went viral on social networks by posting a video where she asks Canelo Álvarez your help to get a car and continue with social work.

According to the spokesperson, currently do not have the necessary resources to acquire a new vehicle , and why they ask the boxer for one.

“Hello Canelo Álvarez, I want to congratulate you on your victory in that fight, I want to congratulate you for putting the name of Mexico high . I am Nora Lira .. we are looking for our children and missing relatives in the country ”said the woman before the request.

He emphasized that do not have financial support from other instances and that makes the work of search.

“We have many needs, we do not have support from the government or any institution, only support from citizens. We pay for the trips and searches with our own resources … The greatest need is a vehicle to transport us to do our searches ”, said Lira.

For almost three years, they have requested the support of authorities at the three levels, taking some steps forward, however, although they are currently providing a truck, it is on loan and will not always be available. They need to mobilize.

– Mag (@mag_aragon) May 12, 2021

I do not ask for luxuries, I do not ask for great things, whatever, but something where we can move “, he said appealing to the good heart of the fighter.

The Rastreadoras de Ciudad Obregón collective was created in the 1200, after Lira’s daughter disappeared and will not find support from the authorities.

Two years later found her in a mass grave .