Monday, September 30

Police find the body of the 2-year-old boy that many were looking for in Las Vegas since last week

The body of Amari Nicholson , the 2-year-old boy whose disappearance on May 5 shocked Las Vegas , even mobilizing to groups of volunteers, was found on Wednesday afternoon by the Police.

Only a few hours after a judge denied bail to the alleged culprit of the murder , investigators discovered the body on the block 400 from East Twain, very close to the Emerald Suites apartment complex, where the child was reported missing. The location is one block from the Las Vegas Strip.

Clark County forensic experts are expected to promptly indicate the cause of Amari Nicholson’s death.

Amari Nicholson’s body was found today near where he was last seen a week ago. @ maddiewhitetv is live at the scene with the latest in the investigation. @ DrewJandre is nearby where a vigil for the toddler is set to start at 6 pm

LATEST: pic / j6njnFOqUb

– FOX5 Las Vegas (@ FOX5Vegas) May 12, 2021

Terrell Rhodes, boyfriend of the boy’s mother, was arrested Tuesday by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police as a suspect in the boy’s murder. It was said that he confessed to the crime.

Details of the investigation were few so far, including that blood was found in the apartment where the man was caring for the son of his girlfriend , who was traveling when the child disappeared.

I just arrived on scene to the Siegel Suites (next door to Emerald Suites) where police say the body of 2-year-old Amari Nicholson was found. The Crime Scene Investigations unit was here. The location is next door to where Amari first went missing. @ FOX5Vegas

– Maddie White (@maddiewhitetv) May 12, 2021

A report from KRDO indicated that the child’s maternal grandmother claimed that Rhodes killed the child because he was he peed in his pants.

“He is violent and takes drugs. And you know, he did it because the baby peed his pants, ”said Carrie Howard, whom her daughter had come to visit for an emergency when the incident occurred.

“He admitted it, he did it because he urinated his pants, and they tell me that in fact there is a video where it is seen that he did it that The Police found in the files deleted from the phone. ”

News in development.