Monday, September 30

Learn about the dramatic testimony of the Argentine footballer who lives closely the conflict between Israel and Palestine

The Argentine player Rial Strahman , and who currently plays for Hapoel Bikat Hayarden of Israel, tells how it has lived the strong warlike conflict that that nation maintains with Palestine.

“Well, they are ringing the sir more in Tel Aviv by bombings. I have to run to the shelter as soon as I hear them. two brothers of 20 and 25 years, and a couple with a baby ”says the forward via Twitter.

Well, the sirens are sounding in Tel Aviv for bombings. I have to run to the shelter as soon as I hear them. Two hnos of 20 / 25 years and a couple with a baby. The bombings are heard outside. It’s going to be a long night.

– Eial Strahman (@Eialstrahman) May 11, 2021

In the message you wrote around 16: 00 hours ET on Monday 11 May He also added: “ the bombings are heard outside. It’s going to be a long night “.

In a following tweet he noted:” 3am. Alarms again. Again in the refuge “. This was close to 20: 00 hours ET.

3:00 a.m. Alarms again. Again in the shelter.

– Eial Strahman (@Eialstrahman) May 12, 2021

Between 2012 and 2015 Strahman played in Mexico with Los Leones Negros and Mérida , in the extinct Ascenso MX. Today on the other side of the world, he lives what could be the worst experience of his life.

To put his ear to the window and wait for the warning sirens.

– Eial Strahman (@ Eialstrahman) May 11, 2021

During the last hours he published another tweet, in which he wrote: “ To put your ear to the window and wait for the warning sirens ” .

1: 15 am. Sirens and in the shelter again. Some explosions are heard.

– Eial Strahman (@Eialstrahman) May 12, 2021

The conflict that exists between both nations began after a strong day of protests, which generated clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security officials .

This scenario left hundreds of wounded and gave rise to Palestinian terrorist groups to launch hundreds of rockets from Gaza to Israel.

Faced with this situation, Israel has also carried out attacks on the Gaza Strip, which have left some 35 Palestinians killed .