Sunday, September 29

California Governor Says Mask Mandate May End June 15

Interviewed by Fox 11 Los Angeles, Gavin Newsom clarified that the mask will continue to be used in closed spaces and in those where many people gather

Gobernador de California dice que el mandato de usar mascarillas podría teminar el 15 de junio
California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Photo: PATRICK T. FALLON / AFP / Getty Images

The Governor of California Gavin Newsom told Fox 11 Los Angeles that the mandate of use of masks of California could end on 15 June when the Governor plans to reopen the state economy.

“Are we looking at the use of masks after 15 of June?” Fox host Elex Michaelson asked Tuesday.

“No, only in those environments that are indoors… Only in those enormously large environments where people from all the world, not just the country, come together and where people mix in really dense spaces, ”Newsom said. “Otherwise, we will give guidance, recommendations but not mandates.”

NEWS: @ GavinNewsom tells me CA’s mask mandate will almost entirely go away on June 15 th.

“Only in those massively large settings where people from around the world are convening & people are mixing in real dense spaces. Otherwise… don’t send “

More @ TheIssueIsShow pic.twitter .com/17 yyyt0Unb

– Elex Michaelson (@Elex_Michaelson ) May 12, 2021

This news comes as California continues to post very low rates of COVID – 19 .

California has the second lowest case rate of coronavirus in seven country days, with 30. 2 new cases for each 100, people, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The vaccination campaign against COVID – 19 is underway with the 45. 5% of residents of 16 years or more fully vaccinated, depending on the state.

The current guide to the CDC is that vaccinated people do not need to wear face masks outdoors, except in large gatherings, but should continue to wear masks indoors. The guide says that unvaccinated people should wear masks in almost all situations where other unvaccinated people may be present.

Newsom first introduced the mandate of the masks in June 2020. Last month, the state relaxed its usage guidelines to align them with the new CDC guidelines for vaccinated persons .

The California Department of Public Health guidelines require that you must face covering in “indoor settings outside the home” such as public transportation regardless of vaccination status.

Unvaccinated persons should use masks outdoors “as long as physical distancing cannot be maintained.”

Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks outdoors “except when attending crowded events outdoors. ”

The 15 June, the level system coded by colors restricting business openings based on county case rates. Newsom has said that California’s economy will fully reopen by 15 June if the state continues to see low rates of cases and hospitalizations.

Newsom was the country’s first governor to issue a state lockdown order in March of 2020. She was followed by a series of executive orders for which the Governor did not need the support of legislators. This is how he approved, for example, stopping evictions or marriages taking place by video or teleconference.

With information from SFGate and CNN