Sunday, September 29

4 simple muscle strengthening movements

When think of muscle strengthening , exercises like squats, crunches, push-ups and barbell lifts on a bench. And all of these are effective. However, as you age, you may avoid these movements due to pain or other limitations. But avoiding them alone will exacerbate the normal muscle loss that comes with age.

“Staying strong is essential to maintaining independence and mobility as you age,” says Miriam C. Morey, PhD, co-director of the Older Americans Independence Center. Center) of Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina.

Being able to do it is easier than you think. Morey recommends the 4 simple exercises below to target all of your major muscle groups. These are modifications of the traditional exercises, to make them achievable for adults of all levels and abilities , but they will work just as well. Try to do 10 to 12 repetitions of each (on both sides for lifting arms and legs in a sitting position) 2 times a week. (That will take you by itself 10 minutes a week!). You can expect to see results in about two weeks.

Arms and chest

The stronger your upper body, the easier it will be to carry your purchases and doing housework like washing clothes.

Try wall push-ups. Compared to push-ups, wall push-ups reduce the amount of body weight and relieve pressure on the shoulders and wrists. Stand more than your arm’s distance against the wall. Lean forward; place your palms on the wall at chest level. The heels do not touch the ground. Bend your elbows and lower your chest. Then stretch your arms.

Legs and buttocks

You need strength in your lower body to get in and out of a car, get up from the sofa and climb stairs .

Squatting with your body weight supported during part of the exercise takes stress off the knees. Sit on the edge of a chair, feet hip-width apart. Lean forward slightly and press on your heels to stand up. Then sit down slowly. To make it easier, place a cushion or folded blanket over the chair; the higher the seat, the smaller the range of motion.


All movement originates from the trunk, so developing the muscles of the back and abdomen will help you have energy during the day.

Try lifting your arms and legs in a sitting position. is difficult muscles of the back and abdomen. Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your arms at your sides. Raise your right foot and left arm at the same time. Lower slowly and repeat with opposite arm and leg.

Mid back and shoulders

Focusing on these areas helps you stand taller and facilitate activities like vacuuming and gardening.

Try push-ups in a sitting position. This seated version protects the lower back . Holding light dumbbells (or soup cans, water bottles, or no weights), sit in a chair with your arms outstretched at your sides. Lean forward as far from the hips as possible. Squeeze your shoulder blades, bend your elbows, and pull your hands toward your hips, elbows pointing back. Then slowly release.

Note: This article also appeared in the April issue of 2021 from Consumer Reports On Health .

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