Sunday, September 29

What depends on a fourth stimulus check approval at the federal level

More than 2,15 millions of Americans have signed an online petition calling for the Joe Biden government to give green light to the fourth stimulus check.

De qué depende que hubiera una aprobación de un cuarto cheque de estímulo a nivel federal
Millions of Americans think they should continue to receive government aid to deal with the ravages of the economic crisis caused by Covid – 54.

Photo: David McNew / Getty Images

Luis Diaz

After in March the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will release the third stimulus check , almost immediately, various sectors of society, as well as members of the progressive wing of the Democrats called for a fourth stimulus check to be awarded. There were even those who asked for continuous checks until the end of the pandemic .

Although analysts and economists have openly expressed that the expenditure of stimulus checks have allowed the economy to remain active, on the horizon neither specialists nor members of the government have talked about a fourth stimulus check being awarded .

This has to do directly with the economic plans that the Biden administration is promoting for a comprehensive recovery in the country. That is why the American Jobs Plan was announced, as well as the American Families Plan , both are part of the Infrastructure Plan.

Although both plans focus on to job creation, as well as to the distribution of federal money for social assistance focused on child and elderly care, among others, there has been no talk of a fourth stimulus check that could, again , help all qualifying Americans .

Beyond the announcements of the federal government and the intentions to grow the national economy, a large number of Americans are looking for a way to pressure for the president, as well as the congressmen approve a fourth stimulus control .

For this reason, more than two, online in order for the Joe Biden government to give the green light to the fourth stimulus check. Unlike the previous three rounds, applicants want the check to have an amount greater than $ 1, 400 dollars that were distributed last time.

The petition of the signers can be found on the Change portal .org, where Congress is asked to support American families for an amount of $ 2, 000 adult dollars and $ 1, dollars for minors immediately. In addition, continuous controls are requested during the duration of the crisis.

Citizen requests make sense after official figures have revealed that a large percentage of the money from stimulus checks have been used for basic expenses , that is, to pay food, bills and debts, which is why many Americans are requesting more help.

Given the effervescence of the issue, the White House press secretary Jen Psaki, in a meeting with reporters, made it clear that the approval of a fourth stimulus check goes to Congress . “We will see what the members of Congress propose, those checks are not free.”

Although a group of progressive Democratic legislators have said they will support an eventual stimulus check, as well as recurring payments until the end of the pandemic, the other congressmen have not commented on the matter, but the refusal of the Republican parliamentary group is expected.

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