Sunday, September 29

Stimulus check, plus-up payments and tax refund: 4 days left to finalize the tax return

It is important that you keep in mind that if you do not issue your statement, you may be entitled to various penalties and surcharges, for What is essential that you take advantage of these few days that you have left so that you can solve this pending

Tax refunds, can represent up to $ 2, dollars for some taxpayers.

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Luis Diaz

On Monday 17 May is the deadline for Americans to file their taxes , in fact, there are only four business days left for you to complete the procedure before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in case you have not done so.

Under this scenario, it is important that you keep in mind that in case you do not issue your statement, you can be credited with various penalties and surcharges is essential .

In addition to the possible penalties that you may have, another negative effect that can occur if you do not declare, is that you will not have your tax refund, which this year can represent up to $ 2, 800 Dollars, As well as you would be saying goodbye to the plus-up payments.

Purpose of the refunds, these are being delivered slowly to those who have already fulfilled their tax obligations corresponding to the 2020. The IRS has stated that the reason for the delays has to do with the large number of applications from past years that are processing .

At the same time, the agency The federal tax authority is issuing the third stimulus check that began to be distributed in March, but by law the IRS has up to December to finish delivering payments next Monday.

Regarding the plus-up payments, the IRS is distributing them on a weekly basis. It is important to remember that these expenses are directed to taxpayers who qualify for a higher amount based on their tax return .

Based on the structure of the Internal Revenue Service, the plus-up checks are distributed in batches weekly as the tax agency processes taxpayers’ tax returns . For this reason, there may be a delay of the money.

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