Friday, September 20

They kill 5 inside the bar, 2 of them minors; Plaza del Mencho heats up

Matan a 5 dentro de bar, 2 de ellos menores de edad; plaza del Mencho se calienta

Plaza del Mencho heats up, they kill 5 inside the bar; 2 of them minors

Photo: Capture InfoRoja_Mx / Courtesy

Five people were murdered, inside a bar, in the municipality of Jocotepec , in the state of Jalisco, where Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes aka the Mencho , the Lord of the Roosters or the Gallero , leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel ( CJNG ) has its operations center in Mexico .

According to the State Attorney’s Office, armed men entered the bar known as “El Memo”, located at the junction of the highway Guadalajara-Jiquilpan , and they opened fire on the diners at a table.

They murder five men in a bar located on the free highway to Morelia in Jocotepec @ WRadio_Gdl Y7pdn 04

– toño neri johnston (@ antonionerij) May 10, 2021

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According to witnesses at the scene, the attack occurred around 17: 00 hours (local time) and immediately the people who were there requested help from emergency services so quickly, elements of the police municipal , as well as paramedics.

It was preliminarily reported that two of the fatalities could be smaller of age .

Agents of the State Prosecutor’s Office carried out the investigation work in addition to the assurance of evidence to obtain information that could lead to the location of the aggressors .

In the place, staff of the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences carried out the collection of the evidence and the transfer of the bodies to the local morgue to perform the autopsies that the law dictates

For their part, municipal and state elements implemented a operational tracking to try to locate those responsible, but there were no detainees .

The place of the crime was secured by the ministerial authorities and the National Guard.

Violence in the Plaza del Mencho

In Jalisco Violence between organized crime groups has worsened in recent days where drug traffickers of the Jalisco Cartel New Generation and the Nueva Plaza Cartel maintain a tough battle for control of the place.

Just this weekend emanates, a gunshot attack left a girl wounded and an armored truck almost destroyed in the municipality of Tlaquepaque also in the state of Jalisco in Mexico .

They report shots in Tlaquepaque, by the El Abajeño restaurant.

– Victor Hugo Magaña (@semaforoenambar) May 8, 2020

Two agents of the Attorney General’s Office were traveling in the armored unit, who were attacked with assault weapons when they parked their vehicle in the Historic Center of that town on street Reforma to the crossing with Francisco de Miranda.

And a confrontation between drug traffickers of the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS) and of the Jalisco Cartel New Generation caused the flight of the inhabitants of four rancherías and left as a balance an undetermined number of deaths

and the death of the population (although officially there was only one) in the municipality pio of Teocaltiche also located in the state of Jalisco .

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