Monday, September 30

Newborn baby girl is stabbed to death and thrown in the trash

The little angel had just arrived in this world and instead of being received with love and care, they did not let her live

Matan a puñaladas a bebita recién nacida y la tiran a la basura
Place where they found the baby.

Photo: Indomitable She-Wolf Capture / Courtesy


A baby of 38 weeks of gestation , than was born alive , was killed with stab wounds, is say to stabs , and his body was found inside a truck of garbage in the city of Monterrey reported state authorities border of Nuevo León in Mexico.

Staff members of the State Investigations Agency (AEI) detailed that e The discovery of the body was reported, when the garbage collection truck, of the city council of Monterrey , circulated through the streets Paseo de la Juventud and Paseo de los Maestros, in the Cumbres neighborhood at Northwest of that city.

# Monterrey #New Lion
The lifeless body of a newborn inside a garbage truck on Calle Paseo de la Juventud with Paseo de los Maestros in Colonia Cumbres; the body of the baby had apparently stab wounds.

– Indomitable Wolf 🐺🐾🌿🌸🍃🍂 (@loba_indomable) May 7, 2021

Read also: Parents of a 4-month-old baby fall for beating her and trying to sexually abuse her. They almost killed her!

The newborn, medically recognized as a “finished product”, had wounds produced, apparently, with a knife , and the autopsy confirms that he suffered intrathoracic injuries and intra-abdominal , secondary to wound pathways stabbing . study revealed that the youngest had 24 hours of death when it was found and that, due to the vital reaction that it detected, the analysis postmortem everything indicates that there is evidence that he was born alive.

Read also : Subject raped a 4-month-old baby girl and recorded himself; This is how the mother of the little angel discovered the pervert

The State Investigation Agency opened an investigation folder as femicide and interviewed the garbage truck personnel, who toured the nearby area in search of the possible perpetrators of this terrible crime.

Similarly Ministerial agents interviewed residents of the sector , reviewed records in clinics and hospitals, and located monitoring cameras to find those responsible but so far there has been no report that they found the culprits.

Read also: Children who admitted murder of a Latino classmate in school will get freedom

Violence against minors in Mexico

In Mexico the alarms go off for child abuse, because unfortunately, many times those who assault or They even take the lives of minors, they are among the close circle of the little ones, and it is that according to Juan Martín Pérez García , director Executive of the Network for the Rights of the Child in Mexico (REDIM) , because parents and relatives know the level of impunity in Mexico, it is easier for them to commit crimes against them.

And, according to the specialist, the Homicides of minors are only the last part of a chain of extreme violence exerted within the home either by the parents or those who are in charge of caring for them.

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