Friday, September 20

Why the United States Government Supports the Patent Release of the Covid-19 Vaccine

The United States spoke out in favor of releasing patents for vaccines against Covid – 19, while Big Pharma oppose globally, arguing that the measure would discourage costly investigations

Temporary Patent Release Would Help Prevent More Covid Deaths – 19, especially in the poorest countries.

Photo: Artem Podrez / Pexels


It seemed difficult, but the Joe Biden government announced its support for a global lifting of protections Covid vaccine patent – 19, for the purpose of accelerate the production and distribution of immunizers in the world to end the pandemic as soon as possible .

Katherine Tai, United States trade representative, pointed out this Wednesday that although intellectual property rights for companies are important, Washington supports exemption from those protections for vaccines against the Covid – 19 .

The US official pointed out that: “This is a global health crisis and the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid pandemic – 19 demand extraordinary measures ”, for which Washington participates actively in the negotiations carried out in the World Trade Organization (WTO) to obtain such an exemption.

The goal (…) is to provide as many safe and effective vaccines as possible to the largest number of people as quickly as possible “, Insisted the US official, in a context in which the pandemic continues to claim lives, especially in India .

For his part Pharmaceutical companies oppose suspension of patents on the grounds that the measure would discourage costly investigations.

For its part, the International Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industry (IFPMA ), he was quick to express his disagreement and noted in a statement that the United States’ decision to support a temporary lifting of anticovid vaccine patents “is disappointing” .

IFPMA affirms that they fully agree with the objective that the anti-Covid vaccines be distributed quickly and equitably in the world, but as they have previously stated, a suspension is the simple answer but incorrect to a complex problem , affirms the group.

The US Trade Representative acknowledged that the negotiations in the WTO will take time and will not be easy , but the good news is that this Thursday Russia and France joined the position of the United States to support the release of paten to help poorer countries get more doses and accelerate the end of the pandemic.

With information from El Universal

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