Thursday, September 19

Does dreaming of spirits mean that you receive a message from beyond?

Dreaming of ghosts or spirits has a positive and negative connotation, it depends on the context of the dream. In some cases it could indicate that you receive a message

¿Soñar con espíritus significa que recibes un mensaje del más allá?
Dreaming of ghosts can be unsettling .

Photo: Ivan Oboleninov / Pexels

Miguel Angel Castillo

Dreaming of spirits or ghosts can be disturbing because of its relationship with the supernatural world and we might think that someone try to give us a message from beyond . For some interpreters of dreams, this connotation is completely valid when the context is appropriate.

For example, people who practice the occult, play with the Ouija board, conduct séances or any other activity in which paranormal entities are invited to participate , are susceptible to having this type of dreams . Thus, spirits can bring us important messages, as described in an article in Dreams 24.

However, anyone who does not dedicate himself to showering issues and dreams of ghosts will have another meaning . Dreaming of a relative or person you knew and already died It has a different interpretation when dreaming of unknown spirits.

It is common to present this dream when the night before a horror movie has been seen or you read a story on this theme. If you discard this logical explanation, the context of the dream should be reviewed.

According to the Meaning of Dreams site, if we dream of an invisible spirit it means that we must see reality and broaden our horizons . Perhaps there are situations in your life that you do not want to pay attention to for some reason, either because it generates fear, anxiety or you do not believe you are capable of solving them. This dream is a reflection of it and invites you to see the situation from another perspective.

The sensation that you present in your dream when you see the spirit also plays an important role . If we are afraid it means that we must be brave to face a problem in real life; Now that if the spirit does not cause you fear and seems friendly it is a good omen because it indicates that you will be successful very soon.

When in the dream the ghost wants to hurt you, it is interpreted that you have enemies waiting for a moment of vulnerability to attack you . If you perceive that you exchange a few words, it means that we must be more observant with our friends. We have probably neglected them or their intentions are not entirely good.

If in the dream you perceive the spirit in the distance represents the appearance of problems or difficulties in your life , It can be of a work, family nature or some question of illness.

Another of the most recurrent dreams is when you are the spirit. Here it symbolizes that you are a lonely person, that you think that in your life there is no one who supports or understands you . Likewise, it can mean that you have committed actions that have separated you over time from your friends, family or partner.

Finally, if you usually have several spirits lurking in your house represents the fears you have for some fault you made. In this case, you will need to identify which one is to solve the problem.

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