Monday, September 30

They filter photographs and videos of the alleged beating that Alejandra Guzmán gave to Frida Sofía

Some images of the bumps and scratches that the interpreter of ‘Ándale’ received, in addition to several messages from text in which he talks about what happened during the fight with his mother

Filtran fotografías y videos de la supuesta golpiza que le dio Alejandra Guzmán a Frida Sofía
Alexandra Guzmán, Mexican singer.

Photo: Getty Images

Rocío García

The war of declarations through the media is not the only thing they have experienced Alejandra Guzmán And your daughter Frida Sofía , since they also uncovered that they have faced blows, however, it is the young woman of 29 years who will try to demonstrate with photographs and videos the attacks he received from his mother during a fight ago already several years in Las Vegas.

In addition to publicly accusing her grandfather for the first time of having touched her improperly since she was 5 years old, Frida Sofía also spoke about the constant fights he had with his mother, especially that confrontation that would have caused the controversial distancing from which all h ablan.

According to what was narrated by the granddaughter from Silvia Pinal during an interview with Gustavo Adolfo Infante , it was she who received strong blows during the fight he starred in with his mother in the year 2018, one night when they went out to celebrate the success of the “Versus” tour.

Never (he hit his mom), until that day in Las Vegas that I did tell him now, you’re not going to hit me again, that is, now . But I didn’t hit him, I gave him a blender, a shake. I also drank that night but never to that point of not remembering. We were all the way back and out of nowhere it started like grabbing my hair tightly and that’s where you can imagine , explained the influencer, who recognized that the only one who punched him was the makeup artist, who tried to separate them during the trip back to Los Angeles.

After several years of estrangement between mother and daughter, the evidence of that night came to light, with which Frida Sofía will try to prove to the authorities that she was a victim of the aggressions of

  • Alejandra Guzmán .

    It was in the program Suelta Sopa , where they recently leaked some images of the bumps and scratches you received in the arms, in addition to several messages from text that the interpreter of ‘Ándale’ sent the manager of La Guzmán to talk about what happened.

    My mother always hit me and the only truth is that I will not bear it. I know he was already unconscious when he started pulling my hair because he was hugging me 5 minutes before. And I understand it because I am not a white dove either, but I already defend myself. It hurts me a lot to fight with my mom, I don’t even know what to say to her, see everything that is happening Frida Sofía.

    For her part, during an interview with the journalist Adela Micha , the rocker related how she lived this same discussion that she had with her daughter in which there were physical attacks, possibly being the one that caused the distance between them.

    It was a moment when 2018, I was in middle of the ‘Versus’ tour and we had a very strong fight in which there were physical attacks on me, from her to me and since then the relationship has been broken “, he specified Guzmán .

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