Thursday, September 19

Projected millionaire spending on anticovid vaccines until 2025 worldwide

A report from the IQVIA company estimates an expense of $ 157, 000 millions of dollars, for vaccines against the coronavirus worldwide

Proyectan millonario gasto en vacunas anticovid hasta 2025 a nivel mundial

Estimate millionaire spending on covid vaccines.

Photo: Shutterstock

Elia Lopez

Several countries are conducting vaccination campaigns to stop the wave of coronavirus infections and an estimated global expenditure from $ 96, 000 million dollars , from now until 2025 in anticovid vaccines.

That millionaire expense was projected by a study of the company IQVIA , an American multinational that provides services to the combined health information technology and clinical research industries.

And it is that various vaccination campaigns are carried out in several countries towards their population and they face the need of the booster dose , every two years.

Spending on anticovid vaccines worldwide

According to the projections of IQVIA Holdings Inc, it is estimated that the first round of vaccination against the coronavirus arrives at 70% of the world population until the end of .

And not only that, in the projection of the millionaire outlay for the vaccines, the reinforcement doses that would be necessary are contemplated, according to studies specialized, to achieve the effect immunizer .

Only in United States , a boost between nine and months after the application of the first round of vaccination of two doses , according to statements by a senior federal government official.

Also, in recent days, Pfizer Inc announced that a third dose of your coronavirus vaccine after 12 months of the first two applications.

The largest spending on vaccines will be this year

According to the IQVIA report, it will be this year when the highest expenditure is made on vaccines, which will be around $ 54, 000 million dollars , because they are active in vaccination campaigns in several countries, but as the years go by, the resources disbursed will decrease, $ 11, 000 million dollars in 2025 .

This because of there will be more competition from the laboratories and the increase in vaccines will cause their prices to fall, he noted . , Senior Vice President of IQVIA.

The IQVIA company highlighted that these projections of expenses for vaccines against the coronavirus is the highest that has been recorded in recent history, and that it represents 2% of the almost 7 billion dollars that is estimated to be disbursed in all drugs estimated to be prescribe in 2025.

“While vaccines against COVID – 19 will cost 157, 000 millions of dollars in the coming years, that is a small price that will be paid in relation to the human cost of the pandemic ”, Aitken said.

highlighted the senior vice president of IQVIA , that excluding spending on vaccines against coronavirus, spending on drugs is calculated at $
68 , 000 millions of dollars.

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