Friday, September 20

Arizona Governor Signs Controversial Law That Bans Abortion In Down Syndrome

Doctors performing abortion interventions due to inherited abnormalities in Arizona will be committing a felony

Gobernador de Arizona firma polémica ley que prohíbe el aborto en casos de síndrome de Down
Planned Parenthood said it is considering start a legal battle over the new law in Arizona.

Photo: LAURA SEGALL / AFP / Getty Images


The Governor of Arizona signed a controversial law that prohibits abortion in cases of Down syndrome and other genetic disorders detected in the fetus, unless the cases are considered fatal .

The measure, promoted by the Republican legislature of Arizona and signed Tuesday by Governor Doug Ducey , it means that if a doctor or medical professional executes a abortion due to the fact that the fetus presents hereditary anomalies, will be committing a felony and would face prison.

The law will enter into force 90 days after this year’s legislature goes into recess.

SB 1457 has been rejected by medical and legal experts for being unconstitutional. State Democrats also regretted the news.

“Governor Ducey’s decision to sign the SB 1457 is not pro-life. It is anti-families, anti-women and anti-doctors ”, said Representative Diego Espinoza. “I am disappointed to see Arizona move in this direction, ignoring the needs and desires of doctors, women and families for an extreme political agenda.”

The law also prohibits the shipment of drugs that induce abortion and orders that the remains of the fetus be buried or cremated . In addition, it prohibits public educational institutions from performing abortions unless the life of the mother is at risk.

“There is an incalculable value in every life, regardless of the genetic circumstances, ”said Doug Ducey said in a statement. “We will continue to give priority to protecting the lives of our unborn children, and this legislation always protects human lives.”

The new law requires that a doctor performing an abortion sign an affidavit stating that the woman is not terminating her pregnancy due to some abnormality . The specialist must inform the patient that abortions based on race, sex or genetic disorders are illegal.

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