Monday, October 7

Miami hotels can't find enough staff who want to go to work

The tourism sector begins to recover in South Florida, where there are no longer restrictions due to the coronavirus or the curfew. So many hotels and restaurants are reopening at a fairly rapid rate.

But many are encountering a serious problem: difficulties in finding people willing to work.

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Vaccine tourism to the US .. Argentines, but also Mexicans, Brazilians. It is another of the inequalities that caused the pandemic: rich countries have more vaccines, and those who can travel to get vaccinated. 82 K

– Rafael Mathus Ruiz (@rmathus) April 23, 2021

That could have consequences on the service, according to several experts in the hotel sector. “ If we do not have the capacity to provide people to our companies, then there will not be the same type of customer service,” Heiko explained. Dobrikow, manager of the Riverside Hotel and Las Olas Hotel, in North Miami, in statements to the chain WPLG .

Some had already warned that this phenomenon could occur due to financial aid for unemployment and other stimulus packages economic. “ Many are earning more with government aid than working” , explained the economist Rafael Marrero in statements to The opinion.

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# Health Recently dozens of people with the possibility of traveling to The United States have made the famous “COVID tourism”, which consists of visiting that country, to get vaccinated against COVID – .

– elPeriódico (@el_Periodico) April , 2021

It is the same opinion shared by Scott Berman, another analyst specialized in the hotel sector , which points to the rapid recovery of tourism in South Florida, but warns that the lack of people may slow down this process.

“The reality is that hotels are labor-intensive entities and, therefore, staffing and increasing demand has been a challenge. Over the last eight weeks, the Miami metropolitan area has experienced occupancy greater than percent ”, he added in this regard.